Agnes Investigates the Circle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WinnerSchnitzel · 25

Really fun deck for Agnes taking the seeker role, with a lot of synergy. So far I have played two scenarios with this setup and had a great time.

Rite of Seeking and Sixth Sense are the obvious base here, with Holy Rosary and Guts boosting your stat. Some extra tempo can be gained with Drawn to the Flame. Oh, and don't forget that Sixth Sense can help you investigate high shroud areas from connected locations.

Economy is a non-issue: Uncage the Soul gives you basically free spells and Robes of Endless Night protect your fragile health while additionally reducing the cost of spellcasting. For everything else you can activate Forbidden Knowledge which will fill your purse and trigger Agnes' personal ability as a bonus.

Now let's look at the insurance policy:

  • Peter Sylvestre, such a wonderful companion, he will hold your hand and soak horror at the same time, but what you really want is a long term relationship with upgraded Peter (+1)
  • Arcane Initiate should be played as soon as possible and sacrificed when you get necessary spells on your hand
  • Painkillers are fantastic: heal damage, take horror (on Pete), rinse horror, repeat
  • Ward of Protection, everybody's favourite game challenging card.

Even though combat is not our main purpose, it's always nice to be prepared for some action. Meat Cleaver works well near the end of scenario, when Agnes' sanity is not so stable anymore. You can even heal some horror after killing those pesky Rats or Whippoorwills. Same goes for Fight or Flight - need to make a final run to the Resign gateway? Please do so. For the bigger trophy there's always reliable Shrivelling.

Finally, Scrying Mirror is just some personal touch of Agnes mystical past (feel free to replace it with Lucky!).

Have fun and let me know how it worked for you :)