The Agnes Baker for -Arkhorias-

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

iamdroopy · 129

This deck is designed with a limited card pool for -Arkhorias-

Role: Flex with a focus on clues

How does it get clues? This deck primarily gets clues by using Dowsing Rod. With Dowsing Rod you can use the second option to get a clue even if the clue you are getting is not the last clue, so you can use this item without fear of accumulating too much doom. Other clue options are Rite of Seeking and Drawn to the Flame.

How does it fight monsters? This deck is designed to help out with fighting and not to be a main fighter. Shrivelling is the most obvious card for dealing with monsters but Agnes Baker's special ability combined with the economy card Forbidden Knowledge is great for killing low health enemies like Swarm of Rats or helping your main fighter with odd health enemies like Ravenous Ghoul. Another great card in this deck is Storm of Spirits. This card will let you take out a large number of low health enemies if you get out numbered.

What is the Economy for this deck? Uncage the Soul works in this deck as a quasi Emergency Cache that saves an action. Rite of Seeking, Shrivelling and Storm of Spirits are all great targets for this spell. Worse case scenerio it acts as another copy of Guts.

Everything else. Most of the other cards are geared toward making you better at what you are trying to do. Holy Rosary and Living Ink make your main stat better. While Ritual Candles makes the symbol tokens softer. Peter Sylvestre is a great ally for making sure you have enough sanity left so that you can use Forbidden Knowledge to deal damage. Once you upgrade him he gives you a Willpower boost as well.