Murder by Mystery: A Joe Diamond Novella (Discount Price)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

apotropaic · 36


Super excited to get to play this gator out, so this is just a shot in the dark, will be playing tomorrow to see how well it does, mainly Return to scenarios. Think this deck would be best played with another taking over as Guardian, as this one has more clue gathering items. I'm thinking Diana Stanley for a 2nd. After playing through Gathering and Midnight Masks, this deck works well with a support Diana Stanley. So long as Diana and Joe stay teamed-up each gator can juggle engages to avoid damage, and Diana's cancel/ignores prove she's a MysTank.


  • 1x Logical Reasoning
  • 2x Emergency Aid
  • 1x Mind over Matter
  • 2x No Stone Unturned
  • 2x Preposterous Sketches
  • 2x Working a Hunch



Feb 12, 2019 yepesnopes · 1

What do you mean by "Stack Ross where you can to enable free plays or -2 cost assets."

Feb 14, 2019 apotropaic · 36

From an interview with the developer (which can be found on the Charles Ross, Esq. card page here on ArkhamDB):

"Charles Ross’s ability applies until it is used, so if you use it in one round you will still get the discount next round, and if you use him more than once before playing a card, you would get a –2 discount."

So, free flashlights, 1 resource for Machte, etc. If you exhaust Charles Ross, Esq. just after you play him, then exhaust again after the Mythos phase, that's a -2 to whatever item you play. I think it stacks higher too, since I haven't heard limits being discussed.