This card is sooo good in William Yorick, especially the combo Bandages + Beat Cop. In recent game I played Beat Cop round 2 and then Bandages. The Beat Cop stayed in play whole game (18 rounds) and dealt around 6-7 damage...Killer! You deal damage to Beat Cop, heal with Bandages, enemy gets damaged. When used up, Bandages discards itself and Yorick plays it back after killing another enemy to keep on damaging with Beat Cop...
Coste: 2.
Usos (3 suministros). Si las Vendas no tienen suministros, descártalas.
Después de que un investigador o Apoyo Aliado que esté en tu Lugar reciba 1 o más puntos de daño, gasta 1 suministro: Cura 1 punto de daño de esa carta.

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Passively heals 3 damage, so long as the victim can take that damage in the first place. Absolutely great.
The only real comparison here is Leather Coat, which does a similar job, but it takes up a slot, saves one less HP, is free, but it's also self-locked. It's leaning a bit in favor of leather coat, but dont discount that part about helping your friends.
Talk about friends, the ally heal is actually deceptively powerful. In vacuum "heal ally, 1 health," is pretty tame. Now add in allies like Grete Wagner, Beat Cop and Agency Backup. See my point?
The "Survivor flavor" of this ability seems to read like you can only treat fresh wound with a quick bandage, otherwise something like a full boxset of First Aid kit should be better for the job. But you can tech by begging for a damage at the same location as an investigator with this card, trigger , but heal Leg Injury, Arm Injury, or -Spoiler- (that was there for long while ago) instead of an actual fresh damage you just took...
Did you know that you can use bandages as a filter to reduce the harmful effects of smoking?
It's a good combo ... Effectively, you are paying 3 resources and two actions to heal three horror, which isn't terrible.
But it really shines with Bob, where you are paying zero actions and one resource (if you have Shrewd Dealings in play). Plus you can probably reuse them with Scavenging or even pass them to a friend in need.
Now you might be thinking that Bob has a lot of sanity, and that's true, but if you start building up trauma as a campaign progresses, swap these two in with Adaptable.