Ultimus Rex

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Optimus Rex, Best Investigator Ever Made 56 41 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

kodamojo · 218

The goal of this deck is to maximize Rex Murphy's clue gathering ability, while buffing his evasion so he can operate safely without a constant bodyguard. Use wild skill commits strategically to overcome Will tests. It shines in a two-player campaign, but is still valuable in a three-player game.

Alternate Card Choices

You could totally sub Fine Clothes for a Trench Coat, especially if you know precisely which scenario would benefit. I would wait until the evasion build kicks in, though.

You could drop a Magnifying Glass in favor of a Flashlight.

I wish I could figure out a way to include Hemispheric Map.

I really, really like Opportunist. Previous iterations of this deck always used two copies, but the deck needs to land Burglary and Scavenging a bit more. You could substitute Quick Thinking if you are going to keep the card in the deck while upgrading.

Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Archaic Glyphs as soon as possible using Shrewd Analysis, dropping a Trench Coat(1), Fieldwork(2), or even Strange Solution if you are happy with the draw. You're hoping for Archaic Glyphs (Guiding Stones) ×2, or (my personal preference) Guiding Stones ×1 and Archaic Glyphs (Prophecy Foretold) ×1. Which combination you get determines which Strange Solution upgrade you keep.

Next, upgrade Strange Solution. If you received two Guiding Stones, choose Strange Solution (Frozen Variant) and drop one Trench Coat (be sure to keep one copy in your deck). If you are feeling daring, you could draw two using Shrewd Analysis and drop one, or even keep both if you like the synergy (the only worthless variant is Acidic Ichor).

Note: If you draw Prophecy Foretold ×2, simply drop one. You could repurchase Archaic Glyphs and upgrade directly to Guiding Stones, but honestly this version of Archaic Glyphs is not an absolute must except in a couple of scenarios.

4/27/2019 edit: As an item, Strange Solution has a place in the deck even if you don't upgrade it. However, if you pulled Guiding Stones and Prophecy Untold you might consider subbing out Strange Solution for a second copy of Grisly Token. This is the least disruptive sub for that.

The only other must have cards are Higher Education and Pathfinder, dropping Opportunist (only because Rex can't upgrade it and it's still only two wild icons after Grisly Totem making it no more effective than other commits), a No Stone Unturned, or Unearth the Ancients). After that, it's simply upgrading existing Level 0 cards: Magnifying Glass, No Stone Unturned, and Deduction. Depending on story assets, Charisma or Relic Hunter might be good investments.

4/27/2019 edit: I've become a fan of Otherworldly Compass. The are two options here: you could sub out a Fingerprint Kit or Magnifying Glass, and rely on No Stone Unturned to get everything into play and (ultimately) into the discard. However, Otherworldly Compass is cheaper than Fingerprint Kit so there is something to be said for upgrading Fingerprint Kit twice in some combination.



Mar 30, 2019 t0biwan · 1

Hi there,

first of all, thanks for the great guide. I've been playing Rex a lot since he came out and, funny enough, your guide just showed me my increasing tunnel-vision: I've never thought about Rex getting a Clue while using Burglary. Also, the possibility to increase Opportunist to (alsmost) its upgraded version by combining it with Grisly Totem is also something I have not yet considered. Usually, I went for Sleight of Hand in tandem with things like Fingerprint Kit etc. Last but not least, I'm looking forward to going with Shrewd Analysis - I card I have avoided until now, as I usually don't go for the randomness (despite discounts); but you've shown some reasonable combos regardless of what one can draw from this, so I'll be trying that out soon.

Thanks for this! Definitely gonna give this one a try and see where my upgrade path takes me. Cheers & happy clue-hunting, Tobias

Mar 30, 2019 kodamojo · 218

Thanks for the comment. This was my first published deck, and I noticed a few typos. I have made a couple edits for clarification purposes.

Apr 20, 2019 kodamojo · 218

Someone brought up a point about Opportunist, and I've played around with it. Keeping Opportunist and using it in tandem with Grisly Token is good and might even be worthwhile to keep. However, relying on it for Will tests is dicey because it might not come back into your hand, so you're still committing Eureka or Unexpected Courage. I have a variant deck which buffs Will (instead of the Agility route), where this is a crucial tactic.

Aug 07, 2019 Baker · 4

Cool deck and great guide. Looking forward to try it ! However, if I understand correctly, you need 2 Archaic Glyphs level 0 to uprade 2.

Sep 11, 2019 kodamojo · 218

You are correct. Somewhere during development through gameplays I subbed the second glyphs and solution for other cards but never went back to check the legality. It's easy enough to fix this iteration by dropping the initial Solution for a second copy of glyph, then after upgrading, pick up two solutions; it just takes two more xp. I am trying to figure out how to do a second version to update with new cards.