Jim Culver: Dirge of the Dead. For Carcosa.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mogwen · 253

Hi everybody!

This is my first try at a Jim deck and my idea is to make jim a great generalist able to go solo or be a cool teammate. Saying that Jim is a mystic generalist is not exactly true. Jim has a strange passion. Using the forces of the Mythos against themselves.

Jim loves !

For every other investigators, tokens are synonymous of troubles and harder checks, but not for Jim! He loves tokens, not only because he treats them as 0, but because it interacts with some of his assets (and more in the future, see the upgrade path)

So What's in this Deck?

First of all, you run 2 Arcane Research, because you'll have a lot of spells to upgrade over the course of the campaign (Deny Existence, Sixth Sense, Ward of Protection and hopefully Wither will get an upgrade). If you plan carefully you'll be able to make a lot of XP reduction!

Jim is a generalist so he wants the most options to do the two most important actions in the game, find clues and kill enemies.

-His fight options: 6 of them actually between the weapons Enchanted Blade and Machete, and spells Wither, Jim has a lot of options to fight. A good potential combo is to soften a 3-health enemy with wither drawing a special token, passing and weakening the enemy for your fatal strike with the Machete.

-His investigate options: 6 of them too! Between Flashlight, Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, Sixth Sense and St. Hubert's Key. They will all take you to good levels to investigate. Of particular note is Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, because it's a slow but rewarding play as in the end it will not only help you investigate but improve your spellcasting and offer you a welcome sanity buffer.

-Tools to make him draw tokens: For the moment, The Chthonian Stone, by sealing a token, Olive McBride and Dark Prophecy help you draw your cherished tokens!

-Tools to make use of these tokens: For the moment, Jim's Trumpet, Sixth Sense and Wither that all react on token. One interaction of note is between Jim's Trumpet, Wither and Eldritch Inspiration, on drawing a and playing Eldritch Inspiration, you do 1 damage of course, but you weaken the enemy by 2 and you heal 2 horrors of an investigator at your location or a connecting location. Combo!

-Scavenging: for the moment, with a good investigate check, it lets you recur used Flashlight, Jim's Trumpet when you want to commit it to tests, Enchanted Blade and lots of other tools. Too bad I had so few place, I would have put 2!

-Bandolier: I know it's not sexy, but you need to always have a weapon, help to investigate and help to control the game and you don't have enough hands! ;)

-A few protections:Deny Existence, Ward of Protection and Fearless will help you deal with the hardship of existence and the duplicity of the encounter deck.

-A few economy cards: 2 Emergency Cache and an Uncage the Soul because Jim is expensive.

Now for the upgrades:

There are priorities. Grotesque Statue is a priority. Song of the Dead is your second priority and, when the stars are well aligned,be a glorious monster hunter (imagine Eldritch Inspiration on Song of the Dead for a crazy 6 damages)! If you're solo, Crystalline Elder Sign will be a great move instead of St. Hubert's Key. If you're in multiplayer you might want to go Relic Hunter and Jewel of Aureolus to maximize the rewards of a token. You should be able to upgrade Fearless and Enchanted Blade if an upgrade appears.

While upgrading your assets, you can start upgrading your spells. With 2 Arcane Research, your Ward of Protection becomes free and spells like Deny Existence much less expensive. Sixth Sense has an upgrade and I hope Wither will have.

Here we are, I'll wait for the end of TCU to play this deck, since important cards are coming but I hope you find my Jim Culver enjoyable and thematic.

I'm as always open for advice and discussion about the deck! :)