Drawing Thin, Burglary, Higher Education Rex

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

daranov · 43

Generally speaking, the point of this deck is to set up a scenario where Rex can make the most of Higher Education to best utilize his ability. Burglary and Drawing Thin allow for insane resource income. One action every round should be to burgle and increase the difficulty to gain 5 resources (6 if you have Milan out) minus what you spend to overachieve by 2 for one clue). Exhaust drawing thin on a mind or lore check to keep your hand size up or to give you 2 resources, which converts to +4 with higher education.

Mr. "Rook", No Stone Unturned, Eureka!, and Drawing Thin can all be used to help get out the important components of this set up.

Fire Axe can give you reliable + hit in a pinch, though you don't want to run yourself dry on resources using this. If you're not concerned about combat, you can run Delve Too Deep for some extra XP.

Beyond Higher Education, Upgrades are pretty straightforward for seeker stuff.
Strange Solution and Archaic Glyphs are in here as options for how you want to customize. I personally use combat strange solution and randomize the archaic glyphs... both wind up very helpful. When I get combat strange solution in my deck, I often replace Fire Axe with Scavenging and you can continuously recycle your strange solution.

I like using Pathfinder because Rex's investigate actions are so efficient, move actions are almost a waste.

Hyperawareness can be dropped when you get higher education in your deck