"And my dear mother left me, when I was quite young..."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndyB · 929

My first Solo Deck, for Dunwich. No fancy plans - just Wendy likes Events, so let's give her lots. The basic plan is to dodge and move quickly.


  • Fire Axe 'cos it gives a way to push Strength to a useful level - and doesn't break...
  • I removed Baseball Bat, which is nifty, but always breaks at the worst time - even with Wendy's re-draw ability.




And Events, lots of events. Mulligan hard for Wendy's Amulet. Many of the events are about evasion, and that's the avenue I'm taking, but Backstab, "Look what I found!", Lucky! and Sneak Attack will form the core of the events.


6: Undimensioned and Unseen

Oh no! Defeated - 1 Physical trauma. Just kept drawing Abominations - 3 Avian Thralls and 2 Lupine Thralls, which combined with Whippoorwills, well, that just stuffed her. The Brood of Yog-Sothoth she actually deal with pretty spectacularly, but accumulated damage from the thralls was just too much.

Dark Horse is interesting - but Wendy need resources for those events/Leo. Loner is better, I think.

5: Blood on the Altar

Lots of dodging, but arrived at the chamber with a number of combat cards - so back-stabbed Silas Bishop repeatedly.

4: Essex County Express

  • Took 1 mental trauma

Annoying, failed to jump onto the Engine (twice), and took 1 mental trauma (gah!).

Otherwise, Wendy made this look easy - she basically ran the length of the train. No allies or weapons, but although few enemies turned up, they were in cars that were removed. She did draw two Emergent Monstrosities in the Engine car, and if she'd not finished when she did, would have had a lot of unarmed combat to contend with... so it was close at the end, but the Agenda wasn't that big a problem.

3: Miskatonic Museum

Peter Sylvestre absorbed a lot of horror this game, and so was pretty useful. She was getting low on damage, though; something like Leather Coat might be a good change later.

Wendy's Amulet was very useful, letting me recycle events back into my deck, which with some of the encounter cards, was starting to get low by the end of the game, and Beyond the Veil was in play.

I don't think there's a resign option in Essex County Express, so I ditched "I'm outta here!". There's also not many places to dodge to, so Think on Your Feet is less useful. Bait and Switch will hopefully allow me to move some enemies into passenger cars that I've already passed through.

2: Extracurricular Activity

Didn't spend any XP.

Ran out of clues before finding "Jazz" Mulligan. I'd very limited time to find enough clues to get a resolution; managed it with 2 actions to spare. Newspaper was helpful, though.

Removed Bait and Switch as there's only 1 enemy in Miskatonic Museum, and it is Elite.

Got Dr. Henry Armitage.

1: "House Always Wins":

Got Dr. Francis Morgan.

Upgraded Peter Sylvestre is awesome - +1 and +1 .

I figured that Leo's extra action could be very handy, and although the Baseball Bat proved useful, it promptly broke, as usual.

Newspaper also seems a nice option for solo investigators - given the lower numbers of clues in play, I figure you're not going to have any more often. Also, combos nicely with Burglary.
