Agnes Baker with Yorick in Ret To Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

The Lynx · 972

Agnes and Yorick are teaming up in the Return to Dunwich which is my 4th play of the campaign. Despite sharing the Survivor class they didn't really want the same cards besides Lucky, Leather Coat and Look What I Found and none of these were central to either deck.

Initially I was trying to force a Dark Horse build into this deck as a backup plan in case I couldn't draw the spells that make Mystics powerhouses at everything. But I instead decided to proxy some core set cards to strengthen what Agnes does best. This is the first time that I felt that I really needed a second core since there are so many critical cards that are needed to make the deck do anything. I had my first 10+ XP planned to be spent on getting a second Shrivelling, Ward of Protection, Fearless, and Arcane Initiate that it seemed silly. I might upgrade those cards at some point but I can reprioritize the upgrades starting at Peter Sylvestre.

Some card comments

Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling are going to do the heavy lifting for the two most important tasks (killing and clues).

Forbidden Knowledge will feed Agnes's special ability and provide some economy to get all of these cards played.

Fearless will bring a little Horror relief and proxying a second card allowed Clarity of Mind to be cut from the deck.

Holy Rosary adds a little Horror soak and boosts willpower which should make the Rite of Seeking and Shrivelling upgrades less urgent. The Peter Sylvestre upgrade also boosts willpower. 7 Willpower should allow her to power through most tests.

Scavenging is a favorite card of mine and she should be able to bring items back from the discard pile often. Most of these items will be used to feed Yorick's combat.

Uncage the Soul was kept for the double willpower icons instead of Guts since it will help get all of the spells played if necessary.

Arcane Initiate will be the critical ally early on if Agnes can't draw her power spells. Nothing works if Agnes can't draw the right cards. After that Peter Sylvestre will be the ally of choice.

Quantum Flux stays in the deck due to past bad memories of Dunwich. The card saved Akachi in the final scenario.

Cards like Hypnotic Gaze, a second Storm of Spirits, Spirit Athame (1XP) and a few others have been left out to make this deck fairly cheap to run. Economy shouldn't be much of a problem.

I am not really sure what upgrade path I will take now that I have proxied a bunch of cards and don't need to add a second version of the card. Peter Sylvestre will be the first choice for the boost in willpower. Some will be upgraded versions but I also like #Recharge and Grotesque Statue (near guaranteed skill test pass). Song of the Dead might be an option to replace Fire Axe.

Yorick is setup principally as a consistent damage dealer with 2 Beat Cop and 2 Guard Dog and will be adding Charisma and Aquinnah. I have always wanted to play her but she really doesn't make sense in almost every case. He will be able to get some free clues (Gravedigger's Shovel, Evidence! and "Look what I found!") but it won't be his job.