Educated Burglary (Dunwich Legacy)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MOON-E · 114

Rex deck centered around abusing Burglary and Higher Education with Rex's innate ability.


Jun 24, 2017 Magnificate · 1203

I'm not sure about 1x Flashlight and 1x Leo De Luca. Why not choose one of these cards and get two copies? Either focus even more on investigation leave the Lion to your rogue friend OR get two Lions to increase the chances of actually drawing him earlier in the game.

As for Burglary, I never saw the point, but then again I'm an avid Jenny player.

Jun 24, 2017 MOON-E · 114

This deck exists in a "single set" campaign, which means there are only two Leo's available to the entire player pool. We decided to split them between two player's splash cards.

As for Burglary, you must not play Rex at all :P.

Burglary is an insane resource engine for Rex. Rex's ability to pick up clues even while Buglary-ing means that you're often just picking up extra money for free when you'd normally be investigating anyway. Dr. Milan Christopher makes this even more lucrative.

If you Burglary a location with low-ish shroud, then you can use Higher Education to pump Rex's intellect high enough that only the tentacles will bring you below +2. This means you're (almost) guaranteed to get both money and and a clue. Add in Dr. Christopher, and it's easy to pick up 3 clues and gain 3 resources (even accounting for your Education costs) every turn.

Jun 24, 2017 Magnificate · 1203

I see.

As for Leo, note that the two of you can't use him at the same time since Leo is unique.

BTW, who is Rex teaming up with?

Jun 25, 2017 DigitalAgeHermit · 24

I'd be inclined to agree with @Magnificate about Leo, and let the other player have him, since you really want Dr Milan. I did a Rex-Burglary-Scavenging build a while back, though that was before Higher Education, so that might make Dr Milan less necessary.

Have you considered Scavenging, by the way? It has nice synergy with Rex, and with your Strange Solutions :)

Jun 25, 2017 Mavwick · 32

As someone who took the Burglary/Scavenging build through Dunwich, I don't recommend it. The combo takes a little too much setup for not enough payoff. I was trying to scavenge Disc of Itzamna but that's another piece of the puzzle you need on the table. Rex runs better just scooping clues and dodging everything.

I'd highly recommend taking Working a Hunch for those times you're swimming in money and need to grab clues faster. It's also two icons for checks.

Ditch the knives and overpower. You'll get more mileage out of dodging enemies, as long as your partner is a beater.

You may want to take something like Backstab for damage or Ward of Protection for troublesome tests/effects. After the cycle, my ideal 5 cards for Rex probably are 2 Burgle, 2 Backstab, 1 Ward.

Jun 25, 2017 Magnificate · 1203

@Mavwick Isn't #Backstab too reliant on for Rex? He has no way, aside from Manual Dexterity. to boost it. I'd say the Elusives he already has slotted-in are more useful.

Jun 25, 2017 Mavwick · 32

I've been using both Higher Education and Hyperawareness because you can't always rely on Higher Education and dodging is useful. I think you'll find you will need to dodge a lot more than fight with Rex, so I'd recommend getting into Hyperawareness and Agility cards. Elusive is awesome but you'll need to dodge more than twice in a given scenario.

Dodging enemies also helps a lot once you get Pathfinder.

Jun 25, 2017 MOON-E · 114

@Magnificate I'm paired with Zoey for this campaign.

@TipsyGamer I've found Leo and Milan to be comperable in strength. I'm generally so resource rich that (with Higher Education ) that both of Milans abilities are pretty redundant. He's good when I'm first setting up, but so is Leo.

@Mavwick I don't agree that Higher Education is unreliable. After maybe turn 3 there's rarely a time I don't have 5 cards in my hand. Occasionally I'm short on resources, but between Burglary and Dr. Milan Christopher that rarely lasts very long.

Because of this I prefer to rely on cards that can convert my boostable intellect into combat stats, like Mind over Matter and "I've got a plan!". My partner Zoey Samaras handles almost all the combat anyway, which means I'll probably only need to fight or evade a few times a scenario, which means I prefer leaning towards efficient one-shot cards than inefficient permanent cards.

Jun 25, 2017 Magnificate · 1203

Still, even with Hyperawareness you need to first draw both these cards and then pay 3 for Backstab and boost for at least 3-5 to have a reasonable chance of hitting the enemy and not wasting your Backstab. So, 6-8 resources for 3 damage. I'm sceptical.

That being said, Hyperawareness itself is excellent, both for dodging and for investigating without 5 cards on hand.