Culver struggles in Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamInteractive · 45

Bailed on my Dunwich campaign after Undimensioned and Unseen. Here's where the deck stood.

All earned XP spent, but not confident I would have proceeded any further in this campaign.

Savvier deckbuilders than I will recognise issues with this build. But the game was downright harsh here. I managed to get Dr Milan down only once, which hampered my clue-gathering. I copped swarming enemies in multiple scenarios, which resulted in me wasting too much time clearing them and failing to finish (even though I was set up well), and I pulled about a handful of skull tokens in total. For Jim this is a disaster - because it's all he's got, really...

Would like to try him solo again, with a completely different build. Advice appreciated.


Jul 18, 2020 LaRoix · 1643

Hi abuckle22! I commend you for taking Jim solo. You're right in that the are the biggest advantage Jim has, but he's not bad in the and departments, which you've no doubt noticed by taking Graham, Dr. Milan Christopher, Flashlight, and Machete. And by debuffing the chaos bag, he's set up to do some good work with relatively minimal effort. The tough part are those high negative numbers (-3, -4) and his low , but if you end up killing everything, then that won't be a problem.

When it comes to killing things, you have a couple options; among them being Shrivelling. Song of the Dead and Machete. I would cut Machete for Dunwich. I know people swear by that card, but I took Zoey through Dunwich and that card gets eaten by Conglomeration of Spheres and is of no help against the Avian Thrall. I feel like if a can't make that card work through a campaign, then it says something about how effective that card is. This also means you can cut both Overpower's which would be a good thing since they really only help you with Machete or basic fight actions. Song of the Dead will be very difficult to trigger without doing any token sealing or multi token draw checks, and most of those cards are found in the Forgotten Age cycle. I'm thinking of Olive McBride and Dark Prophecy in particular.

In terms of investigation, and if you want to play Dr. Milan (and that's a good idea because he's a great card for any character), then I would suggest cutting Guard Dog and picking up Charisma. Charisma would be hugely helpful in this deck because you can stack Milan with Graham which in turn will help you activate Scavenging. Take 2 copies of Perception, possibly instead of Flashlight. And since we're cutting Machete and Guard Dog, you'll want either a backup weapon or some added card draw.

At this point, I would also recommend cutting Bulletproof Vest for sure, and possibly Painkillers. Healing and damage soaking cards are better reserved for multiplayer because they tend to be very costly on actions and resources. The Painkillers combine nicely with the Trumpet; that should be enough. Instead, I'd say get another lvl 2 Emergency Cache and possibly a card like Preposterous Sketches. As for that weapon, .45 Automatic or the .41 Derringer are not terrible options, but Elusive or Think on Your Feet would be better because really what you want is to lean in on those spells. Another Blinding Light could be good. Basically all these effects are here to protect you until you can get Shrivelling or Song of the Dead up.

Hope that helps!

Jul 19, 2020 ArkhamInteractive · 45

Thanks for the comprehensive response and the advice.

I discovered this deck to be pretty uneven early on. If I wasn't going to lean into the spells, then I was going to struggle. There was one scenario - I forget which one - that I ran Machete and Guard Dog for a significant portion and it made me question why I was running with Jim. I was especially worried about Jim's ability to defeat enemies - Shriveling has limited charges, what if I don't draw it etc.

I actually killed a heap of enemies, so that wasn't a problem. I rarely evaded, that low foot yikes, and it definitely would have been nice to have a few more tools to increase efficiency in achieving the goals.

I had planned on getting Grotesque Statue early, and then using Scavenging to recycle. But, I rarely got that to work.

I had also planned to run Charisma but I didn't earn enough XP (kept getting 2xp) to take that when I needed it.

Will re-work this deck and try again another time. I appreciate your response.