The Experienced Aviator - Wini Standalone Mode

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

duke_loves_biscuits · 1244

A standalone Wini deck for one-shot scenarios. Per the Standalone rules, you will need to include 4 copies of Random Basic Weakness.

Mulligan for Lucky Cigarette Case and start rolling. With that, combined with Wini's card draw effects, you should pretty much never run out of cards.

Get Sharpshooter and your Mauser C96 down and you should be able to take 2-3 shots easily per turn. Combined with Delilah O'Rourke and some resource gain, there is little you cannot kill. The second gun and Swift Reload serve as backups if the scenario runs longer, or if you need to switch to dual pistol mode. Note you can also play 2x Sharpshooter if you need to.

Use your Cigarettes and card draw to fish for Three Aces and Opportunist. With the latter you should be always succeeding by big amounts on whatever is needed, with Daring Maneuver as a backup.

Three Aces, Anything You Can Do, Better and "You handle this one!" serve as defence, though you're fairy beefy and Delilah O'Rourke can soak up some.

Lockpicks is your only investigation, though it should be easy to find and serve you for most of the game. If more investigation is needed, drop the Quick Thinking for Intel Report's which are really solid.