- Q: There's an old ruling that says if you use Mind Wipe on Swamp Leech and attempt to evade it, the evade value of '-' is treated as 0. If another card, like Sharpshooter or Delilah O'Rourke, references the evade value of something with a '-', like Swamp Leech or Vulnerable Heart, is it treated as 0 for those purposes as well? Or is the ability just unable to fire? What about investigating the Hidden Tunnel in City of the Elder Things (for something like Searching for Izzie, Call of the Unknown, or Buried Secrets)? A: After re-examining these cards and the direction our game has taken, we are going to override the previous ruling. Even if Swamp Leech were blanked with Mind Wipe, its Evade value would still be a “-“, which can be thought of as “null” or a “non-number.” You could not use this non-number as the basis for a skill test with Sharpshooter. It’s, as you said, unable to fire. This also means that you could not investigate at Hidden Tunnel.
Delilah O'Rourke
Asesina del sindicato
Apoyo. Aliado
Aliado. Criminal. Sindicato.
Coste: 3. PX: 3.
Recibes +1 y +1 .
Agota a Delilah O'Rourke y gasta X recursos: Elige un Enemigo que esté en tu Lugar. Inflige 1 punto de daño al Enemigo elegido, o bien 2 puntos de daño si ese Enemigo está agotado. X es el valor de evitar del Enemigo elegido.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Protip: enemies exhaust after attacking during the enemy phase. As such, you may want to trigger her during the player windows that occur before the readying of the enemies, namely between steps 3.3 and 3.4, and between 4.1 and 4.2
One of the two incredibly strong Rogue cards added by Where the Gods Dwell. Strong soak paired with 2 attributes and a damage ability - this is so strong, that you have to really argue why you might not include this card. Rogue allies always have been pretty good so far, with arguably Lola Santiago being one of the strongest with the powerful resource generating abilities of a Rogue. Delilah O'Rourke is basically the final brick to seal Leo De Luca's fate in Rogue decks, since with Dario El-Amin, Lola Santiago and now Delilah O'Rourke to compete for the ally slot I don't see Leo De Luca in my decks. Anyway, especially with Finn Edwards free evade this is so incredibly strong especially when considering the evade value of the most enemies in the game. I did not count the absolute values here but my gut feeling is that most hunting enemies with high health and fight have low evade values.
Crazy good.
This card is a Sneak Attack on tap, it gets expensive to run but sure enough but with a relatively basic resource generation engine you can trigger her most rounds. Typically evade values are a bit lower than fight values and the vast majority of threats have an evade value of 2 or 3. A card like Lone Wolf will make you just enough resources to be triggering Delilah O'Rourke repeatedly.
To get the most from Delilah O'Rourke you need to be evading, not a problem for high characters like Finn, "Skids" O'Toole or Winifred Habbamock. Finn Edwards in particular with his free roundly evade can kill a minor enemy before he even spends an action! Even if you dont evade though, nailing something with an automatic 1 damage can be so very very helpful, say for example to put a point of damage on an odd-health opponent, also dont forget that there are several 1-health enemies that an angry Delilah O'Rourke will make short work of!
Oh, right, did you notice that she also buffs two stats and has some tank? What IS this crazy value?! Fighting with tends to be expensive, so there's a little anti synergy with her ability, a cheap combat method like Switchblade or Sleight of Hand + Lupara or other inexpensive weapons is recomended (like .18 Derringer for Finn, Enchanted Blade for "Skids").
Between Lola Santiago and Delilah O'Rourke characters sure are spoilt for choice.
I used Delilah O'Rourke in my Finn Deck playing the first scenario in Guardian of the Abyss and she was uber powerful. Without her, perhaps the scenario would be impossible to beat. We played as a three ppl team (Ursula - Leo - Finn) and we won the big boss in the last round before the last agenda progresses! From those damage, some was Delilah's. Combine with Hatchet Man and you can easily make 3 damage without even use bullets.
Stealth or Anatomical Diagrams + Delilah = free cultist killer! Finn is wild with her! To finish Elites - Sawed-Off Shotgun with Sure Gamble Rouges are too cool! You can handle this game, man! This guy has grown so much through Dream Eaters