Trish Scarborough - She's been Watching, She's been Waiting

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for

Assussanni · 600

"Trish! Trish, you've got to help me." "What wrong, Maleson?" "There's some people hanging round outside. Trench coats, hats, guns. I think they're after me!" "Why would they be after you?" "I'm working on something, something big. But I can't tell you about my orde- Oh no, they're here!" "Fine, come with me. And stick to the shadows."

This is my first attempt at a Trish Scarborough deck, accompanied by my personal favourite seeker ally: Dr. William T. Maleson. However, while most seekers look to convert enemies into treacheries that test this deck turns that on its head by using the good doctor to try and do the opposite.

While Cryptographic Cipher, Fieldwork and a single Working a Hunch may look to be the only clue tech in the deck, if an enemy is in play they can be dragged to the nearest clue with Shortcut and the subsequent investigation can be taken at +2 with Narrow Escape, cancelling the opportunity attack and finishing with the enemy being evaded with Trish's own reaction ability. Alternatively, if you don't have Narrow Escape then Obfuscation can cancel the attack of opportunity and Inquiring Mind can be committed for its three icons.

Economy is handled through Burning the Midnight Oil, Crack the Case and Lone Wolf, which goes into any of my solo decks that can take it without a second thought. Card draw is a weakness, but Pickpocketing will probably garner at least one card for every enemy that enters the game because it triggers after you evade an enemy using Trish's ability, rather than it requiring a successful evasion.

Logical Reasoning is a godsend for low investigators, either healing horror that might get past Maleson or for removing Terrors such as Frozen in Fear. If Trish gets desperate then Say Your Prayers provides a solid boost for staving off defeat from a poorly timed Rotting Remains or other horror-inducing treachery.

The plan for most enemies will be evasion, but particularly annoying Hunters or juicy Victory enemies can be targeted by the automatic damage of the Blood-Rites from Occult Lexicon or evaded then Sneak Attacked. Since these are one-time events the damage can be boosted by committing Hatchet Man to the evasion, particularly useful for pesky three health Hunters that turn up early in the scenario and outlive their usefulness. And if you do end up swarmed then In the Shadows might be able to save you for long enough that you can make your getaway...


Sep 01, 2021 lelel555 · 2777

Where's Deduction? :O