Jenny Barnes, Sandford Citizen (The Circle Undone)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dehora · 295

A Jenny Barnes 'cluever' that uses Dr. Milan Christopher and Investments to create a lightweight trust fund that lets her spend to up skill checks via Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks, with an option to gamble on a win via Think on Your Feet to collect more money, or maybe get a extra turn with Quick Thinking. She has some additional punch, thanks to the .41 Derringer and the Switchblade that helps dint heavier enemies, and the Tennessee Sour Mash can also land a punch or handle a treachery. Her weapon item cards can be pulled out of her tote bag with Sleight of Hand, and this can also be handy for her Flashlight. She also has the option to get out of trouble with Elusive or Think on Your Feet. In general she doesn't want to stay in one place for too long, using Leo De Luca to grab more clues and move, or avoid even going to a place if she can pay to use Intel Report.

Jenny probably wants to pair up up with a Guardian like this Roland Banks, Sandford Citizen that can punch out enemies, although her 8/7 health line means she can survive long enough into a campaign or within a scenario for a Mystic damage dealer (or even a bag/encounter manipulator) to get up and running. Her 3/3/3/3 stat line makes her a Jenny of all trades, but the ability to bump skill checks in general should work well for The Circle Undone campaign which wants you to parley as well as clue, looks to test your willpower, sometimes isolates investigators, and if all that that wasn't enough, can have nasty effects for failed clue checks. So the ability to punch, clue or handle an encounter with good success chances, as well as run or evade in a pinch can help avoid getting wrecked. Without spoiling, being able to land a punch or two can also be a useful mitigant for one of the enemies in this campaign.