Order Up – LordofRavens' Butt Swords

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 4355

Oh man, it's been forever since I've done a deck to order!

Raven was curious when I mentioned my old Butterfly Swords Skids, but it's been so long I figured the deck could use a tune-up (and, at Raven's request, a transition towards 2p and flexing) before sharing. So here is the result of that process!

Blame them for the title.

The core of the deck is Dirty Fighting and Butterfly Swords. Skids evades enemies, triggering Dirty Fighting to get a free fight action and Pickpocketing to fuel his rampant expenditure of cash. If the enemy isn't dead, he can then Grift them for even more money, or Galvanize his swords to keep swinging. The rest of his actions can be spent on wimpier sword swings or basic investigates, with his good friend Lola Santiago grabbing her own extra clue and helping with his stats.

Finally, Skids can round out the turn with an impressively large Pay Day (three default, plus 0-1 from Dirty Fighting, plus 0-2 from Galvanize, plus three from Borrowed Time for a total of 6-9 resources without even trying particularly hard).

A few interesting variations I thought of while making the deck:

  • obviously an ally that doesn't cut into your cash flow could be nice here, so swapping for Chuck Fergus and making up the reduced clue potential with Breaking and Entering. Committing even harder, you could go for Pilfer, just make sure you actually get enough agility boosts.

  • or just use Leo De Luca. This one's for you, Penguin, I actually recommended Leo for a deck. Be proud.

  • if you run Daredevil with the deck as it currently stands, you are guaranteed to hit "Watch this!" on a fight action, and have a 50-50 between it and Hatchet Man on evades. That's a good amount of control, and since Daredevil helps with cycling it can be a good pick for that reason as well. A more aggressively cycling variant would likely also add Hand-Eye Coordination and would need some fast soak, like Moxie.

  • you can definitely go harder on extra actions than I did and crank that Pay Day up to ridiculous levels.

That's all for now! I hope to be back soon with more full deck write-ups and articles, but in the mean time, unsheathe your butt swords and get slaying!


Jan 20, 2024 techoatmeal · 15

does the lvl 0 deck start with Kukri?