Clue Shotgun Even Daisy (Edge of the Earth Hard + 2p)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maulface · 1

Basic idea:

Takeaways from playing it through the entire campaign on hard in 2 player:

  • Dream Diary was honestly kinda better at 0xp than at 3xp (I upgraded both with Shrewd Analysis just to try it out.) The reason is because you can manually spend an action to get Essence of the Dream using Daisy's free tome action, meaning you can use it during mythos phase, then get another copy, and use it again during your turn if you need it, or save it/use it again for the following mythos phase. With the 3xp versions, you need to wait an entire round to get your Unexpected Courage added to your hand the first time, and it becomes awkward using it during your turn because then you can't commit it during mythos phase to yourself or a teammate. It also competes with your hand slots and Old Book of Lore so I would probably cut it from the build for something else like Emergency Cache.
  • Hiking Boots kinda sucked - I put it into my deck because my weakness asked me to do evasion checks but it never ended up being useful and I just bricked my weakness every scenario
  • Cryptic Writings was almost always bad emergency cache, I swear its in your opening hand every game
  • Premonition is really bad in Edge of the Earth so I cut a copy, but otherwise I would have left 2 in
  • Daisy's advanced signature and treachery were definitely not an upgrade - I got maybe 1 fast action to put in a tome throughout the campaign, and her advanced weakness is cripplingly bad to keep in play vs the standard one. Autofailing is whatever... hitting all 3 emblem symbols basically kills you on hard (-11, drop a clue, take an attack of opportunity, and change locations against your will, very cool)
  • Definitely needed more money, maybe I should have included 3x Astounding Revelation. I would have definitely included two Emergency Cache and also begged my teammates to give me money, I am starving + bone dry
  • Spectral Razor ended up being almost always tons better than Occult Invocation, but both were good since flex damage is good... randomly your ally can't help you and if you don't have flex damage in your deck, you just die, horribly. In an ideal world I would have played Ancient Stone over the two Occult Invocations for damage alongside Occult Lexicon. You might have hand slot issues though since Alchemical Distillation and Scrying Mirror both take a hand slot, which is why I didn't include it.
  • I didn't put Ward of Protection in my deck but it probably would have been good
  • I had handspace issues a lot, I think including Charisma and 2x Laboratory Assistant would have added great soak and alleviated handspace problems, but I didn't have that much exp + it costs 4xp with Down the Rabbit Hole
  • I included Unearth the Ancients early on to get an investigate off without gaining clues to help complete the Archive of Conduits quest, but I think this card isn't very good - its playable if you upgrade it to Unearth the Ancientsand can boost your stats with Higher Education but you could probably just cut it