Card draw simulator
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William · 549
The whole deck revolves around playing The Red-Gloved Man as many times as possible with Hit and Run, A Chance Encounter, Scrounge for Supplies and comboing with Borrowed Time, Ace in the Hole, End of the Road, The Red Clock to generate big swing turns where you take up to 14 s with improved stats.
This is how the deck can generate up to 11 bonus actions in a turn: 3 from fully stocked Borrowed Time, 2 from 2x End of the Road, 3 from Ace in the Hole, 2 from The Red Clock and 1 from Haste).
DISCLAIMER. While the playstile is definitely "comboey", this deck is designed to be a "fair to standard difficulty" deck: it will not break the game, it won't generate non-sense loops, it won't trivialize scenarios to the point where it is not even fun anymore.
As a general note, i suggest not to tunnel vision on the big 14 actions turn and to take every single little win you can.
To improve consistency, the deck runs 2x Trial by Fire, which functions as a "we have The Red-Gloved Man at home" card that is easy to recur.
When set up with Borrowed Time, Preston Fairmont can reliably take 4-6 actions with The Red-Gloved Man/Trial by Fire every other turn, while preserving the potential for the dream combo by saving End of the Roads and Ace in the Hole.
Even if not incredibly flashy, those turns are good value, can make up for the tempo loss of the set-up/downtime turns and are definitely better than losing the game while waiting for the big combo to be on.
Resourceful and Scrounge for Supplies can recur both A Chance Encounter, Trial by Fire while Scrounge for Supplies can get you additional uses of Hit and Run (and, therefore, The Red-Gloved Man).
Ideal sequencing is always to play Hit and Run first, Scrounge for Supplies 'em up, replay Hit and Run, then play The Red-Gloved Man from the hand, then resort to A Chance Encounter him from the discard pile.
Using Scrounge for Supplies on A Chance Encounter is the least efficient strategy, and should be avoided as much as possible.
Don't be scared to take set up/downtime turns: the deck can easily make up for the tempo loss when the multi-action engine is turned on.
Haste is a really good card to set up: if needed you can resort to draw, draw, Haste to draw again, draw.
Haste can also generate actions by comboing with Borrowed Time: the list runs a lot of activate s in the form of Fire Axe/Mariner's Compass allowing the player to easily sneak out 1 or 2 clicks with Haste while advancing the game state.
As an example, you can move (or take any other action needed, as playing an asset), investigate/activate with Mariner's Compass for a couple of clues, activate Borrowed Time for a click, proc Haste to activate Borrowed Time for an additional click. This is a totally fair "downtime" turn where you did something while setting up for the future (and you will have 5 actions next turn to farm more clicks).
The list runs a Dark Horse sub-theme, which is my preferred way to play Preston Fairmont in standalone, as it his much less vulnerable to Random Basic Weaknesses when compared to Well Connected builds.
Other builds (test at 0, Ancient Covenant, i.e.) could be stronger but require some experience investments on their own, so, in my opinion, they are better chosen as the main theme for Preston Fairmont decks and do not fit here as well as Dark Horse.
Dark Horse also has the little advantage of comboing with The Red-Gloved Man/Trial by Fire by giving an extra +1 to the skill value.
The list can be upgraded furthermore (to 29 or even 39 exp) with the cards suggested in the side deck:
Main weaknesses of the deck are card-draw and encounter protection, expecially during down-time turns.
Those ain't easily solvable with the current / pool so I just reccomend not to play solo with this deck.
Good pairings are s for the damage/horror protection and support s for the card-draw consistency.