Big Mike Fight Storm

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DocBees · 329

Groß Michel can duke it out with the best of em. He can take advantage of Firearms better than most guardians, and there have been some fantastic additions to the firearm arsenal in this set.

This idea originally sprang forth from the idea of pulling and ignoring tokens in the middle of tests. Jim Culver or Dexter Drake taking the Luger P08 and leveraging it and Katarina Sojka to pull a bunch of tokens in the middle of a Breath of the Sleeper or Eyes of the Dreamer test to get some small amount of extra potential out of them. This didn't look very good, but it led me down a very funny rabbit hole.

Snipe is a very good card, and one I haven't played with much. If you're (insert largest negative modifier in bag) above on your test, you hit. It's like a 1xp, 0 cost Will to Survive for a single gun fight. That's great! But I haven't found room in any deck for it because I'm usually X above and the only thing that gets me is an . 1xp for dodging one in 18ish tokens isn't very appealing on Standard, but as difficulty goes up this card gains value. But is there another way for it to gain value? A unique, cool, stupid way to gain value?

Indeed there is! And it involves our Luger technology from above! Snipe specifies that its effect is in place "During the next fight action". How wonderful then, how divine, that Luger's Fight is in a window! That means that if you fire a gun and trigger Luger, Snipe's effect is active during that free window Fight action. This made me consider, what other heinous things can I do during a Snipe'd fight action?

Turns out it's mostly just more fight actions. The high end of this deck is compressing 7 extra fights during one Snipe'd shot.

  • Garrote Wire: Easiest to use. It doesn't require ammo, but the downside is it only works on 1 health enemies.
  • Luger P08: Second Easiest! Has ammo, but can be reloaded indefinitely so you can always have it raring to go.
  • Robert Castaigne: A little bit harder. You need to have a 1-hander gun in hand, but that's all the guns in this deck so you should be able to hit it regularly. If you hit Remington Model 1858 on this, it's another fight on the play.
  • Quickdraw Holster: Most Expensive. I've been hard pressed to add Quickdraw Holster to any deck, but it's worth it for the thought experiment.
  • Haste x2: Easiest to do if you're already mid storm. Trigger another Fight mid-fight.

The highest value version of this is blasting a Sawed-Off at the enemy and offloading every possible bit of damage during that one attack, pivoting to choke out a Rat or something mid shotgun blast with Momentum to decrease the difficulty of that shotgun fight. However, since each attack can fire out at a different target, you can move damage around to deal with as many different problems at once.

Some other inclusions:

I don’t think this deck is “good”, but it does make me laugh. A better version lessens the impact of a single fight action for consistently impactful fight actions throughout the scenario. Replace the Quickdraw with consistent income with Stylish Coat and upgrade the Mauser C96 to leverage your high . Upgrade the .32 Colt so you can always have a bonus 1-hander gun in hand for Bobbie or Sleight of Hand. Embezzled Treasure will make sure you and your friends are flush with cash next scenario. You can also add some consistency to your weapons by hiding them in Underworld Market and/or tossing them into your local Dumpster to be retrieved later.


Mar 13, 2025 neescher · 316

Sadly I don't think it works that way. While you technically can trigger Luger, Garrote Wire and others while you're shooting another weapon, the actual skill test doesn't start until the action has resolved. From the FAQ, section Nested Skill Tests: "A skill test cannot initiate during another skill test. If during the resolution of a skill test another skill test would initiate, instead the second skill test does not initiate until the first skill test has finished resolving. If the first skill test was part of an action, the second skill test does not initiate until that action has finished resolving."