Hey You! Let me handle this! - No, Let me Handle This!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rough Diamond 1 1 0 1.0

Uncle George the Farmer · 43473

This deck is based on a theme combo. Joe and Roland decide to take the Guns Out and look for some trouble in the streets of Arkham.

Both have cards from Guardian and Seeker pool making them pretty effective to auto-clue a location in one round or easily beat a monster to death. They stick together like a monster Duo fighting every terror Old Gods have to offer.

Today we focus on Joe Diamond deck(s).


1) Good at Killing monster and finding clues with 4 and 4 .

2) Playing fast Insight cards for free (if you choose the 2-cost ones)

3) Good Health (8)

4) Access to many auto-clue cards.

5) Access to many tech/upgrade choices making him interesting enough to play.


1) Low sanity - We need to run a few cards to protect it.

2) Bad economy - You need to find spesific cards as soon as possible in order to make him shine with his combo plays.

3) His signature weekness needs to be dealed fast so be prepared to have 2 recources and 1 clue.

Deck building Choices

Hunch Deck

For me the minimum of 11 cards is the best in order to have the highest possibility to draw the card you want in the right time.Higher than this you'll find the deck clunky. Although that makes Unsolved Case to enter soon in your threat area. Keep in mind to have the requirements ready. If you feel very confident you can swap Logical Reasoning for Preposterous Sketches for great draw value in your main deck. The card choices are 2cost and most of them are fast . I want to speak also about the expansion card Delay the Inevitable. Believe me it can save you or Roland from driven insane especially in Hard Mode. Combined with Dodge you 'll survive at least 1-2 rounds of beating.

Main Deck

Most of them you know what is their main purpose in the deck so i won't refer to every card but mentioning a few ones and their role:

Mulligan hard for your Dr. Milan Christopher. You need your economy flow and he's there to help you.

Protect your sanity or Rolands with cards like Logical Reasoning, Delay the Inevitable, Take the Initiative, Steadfast, Inquiring Mind.

BOOM!Yeah blow them to pieces (and Roland! You never like him anyway..) in one turn. Defeating elite monsters with Dynamite Blast is the most satisfying way.

Bandolier is there to help you keep your Machete if the Detective's Colt 1911s shows up. Also we are going for its upgrade later on for the +1 .

"Let me handle this!" is our main title! One of the best multiplayer cards now you have 4 of them playing together with Roland. Some times you feel weak.. or He can't beat that terror card that showed up. Well.. You 'll scratch my back and i'll scratch yours.

Upgrade Tech Choices.

Core choices:

Higher Education



.45 Automatic

Vicious Blow


These are in need to make your deck more effective. From there the choices are yours. Feel free to tech your own favorite cards.

Honorable mention: Joe has access to the new combo Ace of Rods + Police Badge. I haven't try it yet although is worth mention it if you wanna follow that path.

Soon Roland Banks deck's coming..


Feb 08, 2019 seasonedcoma · 642

Just a note: You only ever put 11 cards in the Hunch deck. If you take more than 11 eligible Hunches, the remainder stay in your main deck.

Feb 08, 2019 Uncle George the Farmer · 43473

@seasonedcoma True! I didn't type it correctly. I meant more Insight cards than you should will make it clunky. Just pick 10 insights for multiplayer purposes. For solo i believe 15-17 are good. :)

Apr 21, 2021 aargh · 1

Btw you don't need to have a clue to resolve Unsolved Case. You can play it even without a clue, it's actually better because you don't lose it.