Q: Does using Rod of Carnamagos during the investigation when using Eye of Chaos count as "revealing a during the investigation". A: Yes; if you use Eye of Chaos to initiate an investigation, and then use the ability on Rod of Carnamagos during a player window in that skill test, those tokens are considered “revealed during this investigation” and you can resolve the effect on Eye of Chaos. (April 2024)
Q: Suppose I have a Rod of Carnamagos and a Seal of the Elder Sign. If I use Rod before Step 2 of a skill test (and reveal say 5 non-special tokens), and then commit Seal of the Elder Sign in Step 2, from the FAQ entry of how cards that refer to single tokens being revealed should be considered to refer to each revealed tokens, my read is that the game treats all 5 tokens that I revealed as stars. Then, since I have Seal of the Elder Sign committed, I don't reveal a token during Step 3 as I'm automatically successful. Do I get the effects of 5 star tokens? A: No, Seal of the Elder Sign does not treat tokens revealed via Rod of Carnamagos as elder signs. You resolve their abilities separate from one another. If you trigger Rod of Carnamagos during a skill test, you do not resolve the effects of the tokens it reveals, except for its own ability of checking for a curse token and any abilities that state “if you reveal _ during a skill test...” (like Armageddon’s ability). After you finish resolving Rod’s ability, you continue with the other steps of the skill test, and you would skip revealing tokens during Step 3 with Seal of the Elder Sign, instead resolving the test as if you’d drawn an elder sign token. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
Q: If I use the ability on Rod of Carnamagos within a free player window of a skill test, does that count as chaos tokens revealed “during” that test? A: Yes, the tokens revealed with Rod of Carnamagos this way are revealed “during” the skill test, and can trigger abilities like the ones on Sixth Sense or Servant of Brass. However, the tokens revealed with Rod of Carnamagos have no effect outside of these abilities, and are ignored at all other points of the skill test; they have no modifiers, no auto-success or auto-fail effect, etc. (FAQ 2.3, October 2024)
Vara de Carnamagos
Cetro del vidente loco
Apoyo. Mano
Objeto. Reliquia. Ocultismo. Maldito.
Coste: 2. PX: 2.
Elige un Enemigo que no sea Élite en cualquier Lugar y agota la Vara de Carnamagos: revela 5 fichas de caos aleatorias de la bolsa de caos. Por cada ficha revelada, puedes buscar entre tus cartas enlazadas un Evento Putrefacción y vinculárselo a ese Enemigo.

Bonded Cards
- Abyssal Rot (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #86)
- Aember Rot (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #87)
- Putrescent Rot (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #88)
- Scarlet Rot (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #89)
- Virescent Rot (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #90)
Cartas relacionadas
- Rod of Carnamagos: Scepter of the Mad Seer (La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #85)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Since nobody wrote a review of it yet: This card (and to a lesser, but not very low degree it's downgrade) is freaking nuts! Not only because of it's obviously useful ability to make all kind of debuffs to non-Elite enemies, gives a great toy with Abyssal Rot to fellow Alessandra or Trish players and even a nice econ option for yourself with Aember Rot, but it can be triggered in any player window, including during tests (before or after committing cards). This makes for a bonkers combo piece with the Innsmouth set of Spell assets, as the tokens revealed will count for the effect, and you put them back into the bag before the "actual" reveal token step of the test, so you might draw them again. Just notice, that there must be a non-Elite enemy to be targeted on the board.
You can soup up this cheeky trick with Olive McBride. Reveal 4 tokens normal, then for your fifth, with the new level 2 version, reveal 4 and cancel 2 of them. Note, that in case you draw 3 or 4 tokens with Olive, you can only count 2 of them, the cancelled ones are not considered to be drawn for the later effect on your Eye of Chaos or Armageddon. I repeatedly managed to first charge up my spells with enough charges to last an entire scenario, then used the reveals for extra damage or clues. Since you can't discover additional clues on a on your (only a connecting) location, I was less conservative with charges on the Eye than on Armageddon, because I would get extra charges later on, when there were no clues on connecting locations anyway. Obviously, Shroud of Shadows should be similar good in this combo. I did not take it, as I rather used Occult Reliquary for a hand slot for the Rod and did not have the deck slot for another card with additional arcane slot.
Of course, this can be abused for other skill tests as well. Like on the new set of upgrades of DreamEaters Spell events, which I'm pretty sure will foreshadow other Spell upgrades, based on the return on succeed by x design pattern we've seen in . Probably even Song of the Dead might be build around, though I would rather not. Just as I wrote this review, I noticed another one suggesting .35 Winchester as combo piece. As I mentioned in another review, it is a fantastic enabler for macabre depiction on Living Ink. Revealing the token you want on a test has never being easier than with this card.
This is completely nuts with parallel Jim Culver. The more I play with it, the more I think it's the best card in the set.
Beyond the synergy previous mention about using the player window for a Eye of Chaos, Armageddon, & Shroud of Shadows:
It can choose a non-elite enemy anywhere!
It's , so as long as there is an enemy, there is no reason not to use it.
It's easy to trigger & triggers often!
You choose the rot & they have amazing utility.
You can apply multiple rots with a single use.
Abyssal Rot - MVP. Removes the main threat of most enemies. Choose wisely, there is only one.
Virescent Rot - locks down hunters, patrollers, & elusive enemies often neutralizing them.
Scarlet Rot - Helps rid monsters that spawn far away, are aloof, or ones with doom on them.
Putrescent Rot - Helps other Investigators with monsters engaged on them.
Aember Rot - Least used, but free resources! Pair with scarlet rot.
Two must includes are Favor of the Moon & Dawn Star! Favor can get a guaranteed trigger & dawn star can kill additional monsters when swarmed.
My personal best is 17 damage in a single attack, killing 3 enemies.
- Fight with Armageddon.
- use Rod of Carnamagos during skill test (revealed 2 curses)
- used both Favor of the Moon to reveal 2 more curses + 1 curse pulled from the chaos bag after.
- Spend both Dawn Star to negate the modifiers & deal +5 damage each.
- 17 damage = 7 Armageddon + 5 per Dawn star + 2 rots!