Roland Solo - Based on Taboo List

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Uncle George the Farmer · 39795

After a long absence from the forum, this is my new deck build for Roland going solo.

The biggest hit in Rolands Deck is Machete if you're playing with Taboo list. The new addition is Enchanted Blade.

Main strategy

-Focus on defeating monsters in order to make use of his ability. Build up your with your assets and kill them fast since you lack of .

-Auto-clue locations. We must not spend any actions on investigating unless we are on a 2-shroud location and we have Flashlight on our hand.


Search hard for your assets especially for Mr. "Rook". He is your Ace in the Hole. You can search for any of your weapons or your Logical Reasoning if you have a terror card on your area. Even if you draw any of your weakness cards then you have the opportunity to prepare to look for cards like Scene of the Crime, Working a Hunch for your Cover Up or for your skill cards.

Card choices

Deal with monsters

-.45 Automatic

-Roland's .38 Special

-Beat Cop

-Enchanted Blade

-Vicious Blow

These are the cards that focus on your ability to kill monsters. Prepare to upgrade Beat Cop and Vicious Blow to their better versions. .45 Automatic will be your swapping card for any of your endgame weapons.

Getting Clues


-Art Student

-Scene of the Crime

-Working a Hunch

These are the choices you need (plus your ability). You lack mobility and action management. You need any card that can save you action to gather clues. As mention above you need Flashlight only for 2-shroud locations. Save the other cards for 3-4 shroud ones.

Protect your sanity and health

-Art Student

-Beat Cop

-Mr. "Rook"


-Logical Reasoning

Every Ally asset is a shield that soaks horror hits and since Roland has low sanity you need every Ally there. Also, Dodge is there to protect you from big hits that otherwise kill you. Logical Reasoning can be used for healing but I prefer to save it for a nasty terror card.

Economy management

-Crack the Case

-Emergency Cache

One of the biggest problems for Roland besides sanity was his low economy. With Crack the Case you feel much more confident but you still need Emergency Cache in your deck. Try to make the most of it in 3-4 shroud locations. Can be combo well with Scene of the Crime or Working a Hunch



You have only one card to move around. Use it wisely. For an upgrade swap one of these with Pathfinder to become more agile.

Skill Cards

-Take the Initiative

-Unexpected Courage

Keep Take the Initiative for any treachery card that reveals during the mythos phase. Unexpected Courage is so versatile either for attack or investigating.

Upgrade Root

Core Cards:



-Keen Eye

-Stick to the Plan

-Beat Cop

Main endgame weapon:

-Flamethrower or Lightning Gun

Other Upgrades:

-Vicious Blow

-"I've had worse…"

-Custom Ammunition

-Emergency Cache


-Ace of Swords

Final Verdict

I feel Roland is getting better with every set. We finally solve(?) our big economy problem although you must manage your weapon ammo and charges since you don't have Machete. I still feel he lacks mobility and action management. That's why you need to auto clue and kill monsters fast cause he's pretty slow. Always remember to protect his sanity. It's so easy to drive insane for him that's why I feel he's hard to play in solo. Easy to learn him, difficult to master.