Practice Makes Onyx (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Practice Makes Onyx (Full Upgrades) 1 1 0 1.0

obsidiandice · 102

The Core Synergies

Whitton Greene is an extremely synergistic card with Luke. Gate Box means you always have a Relic in play, and each time you use your Gate Box to travel you get a search off of Whit. Together Whit and Luke are one of the most consistent ways to find all three copies of Segment of Onyx and assemble the Pendant of the Queen.

Practice Makes Perfect is a powerful Seeker staple that searches out your best skills like Deduction and Perception, then allows you to use them a second time, all without costing an action. Luke also has access to the practiced skill Enraptured, which can put high-value charges on his Gate Box or Pendant of the Queen.

Together this creates a consistent and robust deck that is well-suited to playing a dedicated seeker role even on harder difficulties. Simply ignore the monsters and shroud values as you testlessly pluck clues from inside your private demiplane.

Book-Smart Luke

This deck notably lacks any of the usual Sixth Sense or Rite of Seeking assets that most mystics use for clue-gathering. Luke's 3 Intellect is not amazing, but his 4 Willpower is not that much better. Is it really worth spending an action and 3 resources to play Sixth Sense when you could get the same skill value by playing a Fast Magnifying Glass for 1?

This deck is focused more on making a few big investigations than on static bonuses to keep our base numbers high. 2x Drawn to the Flame, 2x Read the Signs, 2-4x Deduction, and our Pendant of the Queen is plenty to clear out all the clues and locations we need.

Of course, the biggest upside to using our Intellect to Investigate is the Practice Makes Perfect package. In addition to the sheer power of our eight starting skills, the extra searches enhance our economy by helping us hit our Astounding Revelations early.

Helpful Tips

  • Mulligan aggressively for Whitton Greene. If I don't have one, the only cards I'll consider keeping are Scroll of Secrets (to help me find Whit) and Practice Makes Perfect.
  • Don't be afraid to use your Gate Box early. Simultaneously evading a monster, getting a search off Whit, and getting a free move is a great use of a charge even in the first few turns.
  • Be careful about using the last charge off your Pendant of the Queen. Keeping it around will let you add more charges, and once it's gone it's gone.
  • As Luke you are anywhere and everywhere, so focus more on maximizing the value and consistency of your clue-finding than on clearing every single location you pass through in order.
  • Deduction is best for low-shroud locations. Read the Signs is best for mid-shroud locations. Drawn to the Flame is best for high-shroud locations.
  • Since so many of these cards find discover clues two at a time, this deck is at its best in 2- and 4-player games.

XP and Upgrades

  • An example of a fully upgraded version can be found here.
  • I included In the Thick of It to show off the basic Segment of Onyx build, but if you want to avoid the trauma you can survive the first scenario with a couple of Sword Canes for Whit to find.
  • Upgrading both copies of Whitton Greene is your highest priority after the Segments themselves, but at that point the deck basically works and all the other upgrades are gravy.
  • Perception (2) is usually my first skill upgrade. Practice Makes Perfect both increases your chance of seeing them and gets you multiple uses out of each. Deduction (2) might be a good upgrade if you're playing 3-player, but otherwise I wouldn't prioritize it.
  • Grotesque Statue (2 and 4) are really good for this deck. In addition to protecting your big investigate tests from the autofail token, it's a relic that can be found by Whit, and it can get extra charges from Enraptured.
  • Your big upgrade target is 2x Mr. "Rook" and a Charisma. If you're tight on XP you can hold off on this for a while while filling out your lower-XP upgrades. At this point you can start cutting some of your basic spells down to 1-ofs, since Rook will help you find the ones you need at any given time and your economy is getting stretched pretty thin.
  • Ward of Protection (2) is always a great choice. Friends don't let friends draw Ancient Evils.
  • Stirring Up Trouble is a good replacement for Drawn to the Flame or Read the Signs, depending on whether you're more concerned about the chaos bag or the encounter deck. Alternately, it can replace Deduction if you're playing on higher difficulties and want to sacrifice some power for consistency.
  • Scroll of Secrets (3) is a late game quality of life upgrade that gives you some extra control over the encounter deck.
  • If you need some more monster-killing power, Storm of Spirits (3) is a good option.
  • Winds of Power and Recharge let you go even harder on charging up your powerful relics.
  • Blasphemous Covenant can protect you from all the of curses we're adding to the bag.

Jan 04, 2022 unremb · 251

Just as an FYI, you can't move from the Dream-Gate to an unrevealed location to trigger Whitton Greene.

Jan 04, 2022 obsidiandice · 102

@unremb Whit triggers when you put a new location into play, and the Gate Box puts Dream-Gate into play. You don't need to move to another location.

Jan 04, 2022 unremb · 251

huh. good point. that's unexpectedly strong.

Jan 04, 2022 unremb · 251

hmmm... would it be a new location the 2nd time around though?