Trick-o-Rita (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rita actually being useful 20 15 3 1.0
Inspiration for
Trick-o-Rita lvl 0 version (+ Deck Guide) 4 2 0 1.0
Rita Young Standalone 9xp deck 4 2 2 1.0

ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

This is the Crafty counterpart to my Prophetic Rita deck. This deck is meant to be a flex in a multiplayer team. For a level 0 version / campaign starter see here

The aim of this deck is to use Crafty to show off tricky Rita.

Enemy management

This is done with the use of Rita's trusty bow and the events Cheap Shot and Sweeping Kick. All of these use Rita's high and both fighting events trigger rita's for extra damage or a move (Sweeping Kick can one-shot a 3-health enemy in this way).


These are covered by "Look what I found!", Breaking and Entering and Pilfer. The latter two get a discount from Crafty and utilize Rita's high (Breaking and Entering even has a built-in evasion to trigger Rita's for a free move or damage).


Crafty and Easy Mark. Easy Mark provides some nice resources and replaces itsellf for some extra draw. Crafty helps you pay for those expensive recurrable cards. It can also provide a skill boost if you need it and have enough resources.

Level 0 / Campaign Play

For level 0, replace the Ornate Bow with a different weapon, such as .18 Derringer, Fire Axe or Meat Cleaver.

Replace Peter Sylvestre, Cheap Shot and Pilfer by their level 0 counterparts.

Replace Easy Mark and Crafty with different economy options, such as Emergency Cache, Take Heart, Sneak By.

Sweeping Kick can be replaced by another enemy handling event such as Waylay or Slip Away depending on your preference.

Survival Instinct I would replace with Manual Dexterity for the icons and some extra draw.

In the thick of it

In this variant I would advise starting with Easy Mark and Sweeping Kick in the deck.

Upgrade priority

The order depends a bit on preference, but I would say

1 Easy Mark and Sweeping Kick

2 Crafty

3 Upgraded Peter Sylvestre

4 Upgraded Cheap Shot and Pilfer

Level 0 alternatives

Some options at level 0 include Scout Ahead for some extra movement, Sleight of Hand for sneaking in .18 Derringer or later the Ornate Bow, Slip Away to lock an enemy down.

Upgrade alternatives With thanks to Gall0ws on the DttF Discord.

If you don't like the bow, Chainsaw is a decent alternative. It is tool traited, which means it gets a cost reduction from Crafty. On top of that, you can use Crafty to boost the skill value on it's attacks. With cards such as this and .18 Derringer, it's important to mention the synergy with Live and Learn as a lvl0 alternative to get extra uses out of it (if you fail, play live and learn and then pass the LaL test, then you just did 3 damage and spent 0 uses).

Dig Deep provides useful stat boosts for Rita. Can also be combined with the discount on Crafty for some boost at the same time.

Shrine of the Moirai let's you recur your non- tricks like Ace in the Hole and Cheap Shot.

Unrelenting provides card draw, or helps you fish out nasty tokens on an important test.

Will to Survive and Trial by Fire combine really well with Ace in the Hole for an awesome turn, that you can repeat with Shrine of the Moirai!

Some synergy cards like Cheat the System for some resources (3 with Crafty in play) and Strength in Numbers (+4 with crafty in play)

I hope you enjoyed these Rita triple class experiments. Feel free to provide me with feedback/comments/suggestions on these decklists.