William Yorick the one true survivor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

darkernectron · 8

William Yorick is here to do one job, bury everything and everyone he encounters deep. Its dirty job, but someone's got to do it. William Yorick is a natural scavenger, often tossing perfectly good cats to act as a distraction, then happening upon another perfectly good cat after defeating an enemy. Yorick will take off his coat, cast aside cherished keepsakes, all in the name of getting the job done. But don't let him forget those cherished items, just as Indiana Jones goes back for his hat, Yorick will go back for absolutely anything he throws away.

Yorick's ability to recur items makes him the very definition of a survivor, provided he has enough resources and enemies to keep him busy. Yorick may not have the best of weapons, but he makes due with what he has. When he runs up against something too big to handle, he might just throw a cat at it, and look for some rats to lure the cat back.

Yorick's Elder sign is also incredibly powerful, getting back Resourceful, Luckies, or Vicious Blows. What Yorick lacks in outright arsenal, he makes up for by becoming a natural McGuiver of whatever he can find laying around. Bury Them Deep is William's unique investigator card, allowing him to grant his entire team bonus experience. Best used on more difficult monsters, such as Nightgaunts, to save yourself from encountering them when the Mythos deck is reshuffled. Slightly awkwardly, The Thing That Follows cannot be buried. Graveyard Ghouls is Yorick's unique weakness. Sometimes Yorick just needs to Bury them Deeper.


.45 Automatic: a reliable weapon, though sometimes it runs out of ammunition. In that case, fill up your hands, toss your gun, and maybe scavenge it back with a full clip of ammo that you somehow found on whatever monster you beat up.

Knife: a solid addition to yoricks limited arsenal. it can be thrown and recurred in a single fight. A cheep and tossable weapon.

Flashlight: If you need to investigate, flashlights are William's tool of choice. If the battery runs out, fill up your hands, and maybe you'll find batteries on whatever you just beat up.

Machete: In my opinion the most efficient weapon in the game at the cost. Its the most affordable weapon that gives +fight +damage, and never runs out of ammo.

Baseball Bat: stat to cost, baseball bat better than a machette at cracking skulls, but sometimes those skulls crack your bat. In terms of game interaction, if your bat breaks during a fight, you can't recur it during that engagement. But for the cost of 2 resources, you can get it back later. Its efficient for the cost, but has some downsides for how good it is.

Leather Coat/Cherished Keepsake: will keep Yorick alive through thick and thin. Every monster beaten can bring back either of these from the yard. These two items make Yorick practically unkillable.

Beat Cop: You'll very much want the upgraded Beat Cop. 4 resources to deal 3 damage while providing +fight is invaluable.

Guard Dog: A very handy companion to help you save actions freely eating cultists and the like by simply taking actions other than fighting.

Stray Cat: a fickle companion that will prove the ultimate distraction device. These cats are capable of distracting any monster in your location regardless of whether it is engaged with you or a fellow investigator, and can distract the most difficult of Eldritch Horrors long enough for you to get away. Chuck some cats at stuff.

True Grit: Giving Yorick the ability to keep his allys alive and tank stamina damage is a welcome addition. This is one is up for question.

"Let me handle this!": I wasn't sure on this card at first, but it has proves its worth. When an investigator on the other side of the map draws a monster, let Yorick handle it. When another investigator draws a brutal mythos card that would destroy their turn or cripple their sanity/stamina, let Yorick handle it. This card can save your seekers while giving Yorick helping Yorick find things to bury.

"Look what I found!": sometimes you want to help out at investigating. Options are optional, and this is certainly an optional inclusion.

Emergency Cache: yorick is starving for resources, he will always want resources on hand to recur assets from the yard, and will often be starved for them. Evidence!: as with look what I found. If you feel like helping allies uncover the Mystery, feel free to include another or cut it out.

Lucky!: Yorick is easily one of the luckiest investigators, he's very resourceful, and can sometimes freely recover them off of Elder Signs.

Skills are geared towards improving yoricks ability to defeat monsters efficiently. Resourceful: gets back lucky 9 times out of 10. Vicious Blow: gives yorick the ability to efficiently fight monsters in 1-2 fewer combats, saving time. You've got work to do after all.


Upgraded Beat Cop is incredibly strong granting Yorick the ability to ping off pesky minions, or poke away at stronger enemies.

Upgraded Vicious Blow allows Yorick to spend his turns more efficiently and makes up for Yorick's lack of weaponry choices.

Charisma: Yorick has friends and pets and needs to make room for all of them. This allows him to keep his Beat Cop on the field while recurring cats and dogs. Upgarded Lucky! is a nice addition of card draw that he can double up on with resourceful.

Best of luck and my you re-discvoer many friends and cherished treasures on your journey.