Harvey Walters, my what big hands you have!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phaed · 124

Harvey Walters wants a large hand to pump up his skill tests and, well.. to just show off.

Use Otherworld Codex to get rid of those pesky Ancient Evils and other annoyances in the Encounter deck. Take those photos using your trusty Hawk-Eye Folding Camera while gathering clues to gain knowledge. Utilize your trusty side-kicks Abigail Foreman to make the best use of your book collection, and Whitton Greene to find those books and relics you need from your collections.

Feedback wanted!

Upgrade Path:

1) Ancestral Knowledge should be your first upgrade, it increases your deck size, doubles the amount of skill cards you have, and allows quick access to them. The 5 cards to add to your deck are one each of Curiosity, Deduction, Eureka!, Manual Dexterity, and Plan of Action.

2) Plan of Action Survey the Area Is a quick upgrade at 1exp each to help protect against those pesky tests and adds a bit more consistency.

3) Disc of Itzamna Disc of Itzamna is another quick easy upgrade that will help protect against pesky enemies trying to take you down. Don't worry, you could upgrade this later down the line, you still have "I've got a plan!" and Persuasion to help deal with them too.

4) Now we'll work on some of our allies, so grab a Charisma so we can have both out at the same time, and lets upgrade Whitton Greene Whitton Greene.

5) After that we want to swap Mr. "Rook" Abigail Foreman which allows us access to our big tomes. I realize that steps 4-5 will likely have to be done over the course of 2 scenarios, but it makes the next step much better.

6) Lastly we are upgrading (replacing) our tomes now! I would do these one at a time so you have some options, then upgrading the second copies for consistency. So, one at a time, Scroll of Secrets Otherworld Codex, and Encyclopedia Prophesiae Profana.

Now, once all is said and done if you happen to have more EXP burning a hole in your pocket, you could upgrade these cards just to make you better at what you do, or to fill in any areas of opportunity for improvement:

Fine Clothes Bulletproof Vest

Deduction Deduction

"I've got a plan!" "I've got a plan!"

Shortcut Shortcut


Feb 14, 2023 cabalpaxiarch · 61

No Dr. Milan? Is he on sabbatical? I feel he's a must seeker card. I know we don't have infinite spots for allies but there's no way I'm playing without him.