
Q: When paying 6 to get both effects, does the other investigator get to draw from your deck or their own? The wording makes it sound like they'd get to draw from your deck. I wonder if with friends in low places or other affects which let you search the top of your deck, you could pass cards with this.

Malcoto · 4
It is his own deck. — Tharzax · 1
I don't think the other player draws anything... It's still the card player who will draw one of the cards, even if it's played on another player's encounter card. — Hylianpuffball · 29
As Hylianpuffball said, the first kicker effects the second sentence and the second kicker effects the first sentence. Neither interact in any way. Even if you cancel another investigator's encounter card revelation effect, you draw a card (whether from the top of the encounter deck or your own). — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Rita Young

At time of release, Rita was considered a low tier investigator, with her best stat being the comparable weakest, and no great card pool. Evading and doing a bit of damage, with her ability and the Ornate Bow, was the best she seemed to be able to do. But her access to Tricks shaped out several ways, she is interesting to play nowadays. The events from the Winifred Habbamock starter deck, namely Pilfer and Sneak By, gave her a first option to investigate using her great stat, and some economy to play this card. Although she also got Easy Mark in "The Dream Eaters", Pilfer was still too expensive for her, in particular in the upgraded version, that can be potentially played once per round. Innsmouth (more precise regarding the old release model: In Too Deep) came and brought Breaking and Entering (0), as a cheaper option, that was also more suitable for lower player counts, and synergizes well with her ability.

"Edge of the Earth" added with Crafty finally a reasonable way to pay for the endless replayable on oversuccess suite of Wini-Tricks (aside Pilfer (3) also Cheap Shot (2) and Slip Away (2)) to investigators with no access to Chuck Fergus. It also gave Rita a fancy new bow, that does not need reload actions, and several new Tricks, the greatest for her being the Sweeping Kick.

And then came "The Scarlet Keys". It added Breaking and Entering (2) to the set of "recurable event upgrades", introduced the first Trick assets with Disguise and Dirty Fighting and made "investigating with " a thing feasible for her, thanks to expanding the options for zero shroud. I tested her mainly in the "main cluever role", you can check my deck here. But I think, she should also fit nice into "main goon" or "flex". Disguise outclasses either version of Slip Away for her, and Dirty Fighting boosts her to 5 (or with a bow to 7 or 8), as long, as she does, what she's supposed to do anyway, while also giving her the action back, she took evading. I think, she grow now an excellent investigator, who can be built in many different ways to fun and successful results. A good example of how somebody can grow with their card pool.

Susumu · 371
The return to circle undone also made her more viable, with an emphasis on evasion, movement, and agility treacheries. Message #me — MrGoldbee · 1470
Or read my #review. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Yeah, I think, the encounter decks are shifting back to foot tests again. They designed core set with the "Rotting Remains" with horror for willpower tests and "Grasping Hands" with damage for agility tests counterparts, but then made "Striking Fear" much more commonly apear than "Ghouls", in part probably, because they considered agility also useful to some extend for evading, while willpower for any non-mystic a strictly defence stat for treacheries. But "Return to TCU" and also "Edge of the Earth" added some nasty agility treacheries. I have to see, if TSK continues this trend. Your review is very good, I gave it my like some time ago. It is more focused on solo play, which I think, she can be very strong, too, but have no personal experience off yet. Obviously, you have to take other cards than "Pilfer" then. — Susumu · 371
One-Two Punch

Just some food for thought:

It's a Dynamite Blast that's costs 3 less. The downside is you have to draw 2 chaos tokens, and can't attack from a location away. Plus side is that you don't take/deal 3 damage to your friends.

To be safe I'd play it in someone with 5 base fight, which is few and far between. Mark and Tony come to mind.

I guess weigh the odds and go from there.

P.s.- Tony gets a free action to engage or fight. If you're already engaged and choose to fight as your extra action, you could do between 4 damage (punch), or 5-9/10 with a weapon- Average w/weapon is 7.5 s Think 7 damage is worth 2 resources? Yes, my friend.

Ok, ok. Sorry. One last cheese.

Tony. Beretta M1918. 5 base, +4 Beretta, +1 vicious blow = 10 Total Fist. Double, or Nothing... Let's say your average monster has 3/4 Fight. Double is 6/8. I'd feel decent about a 10 vs. 8.
Chaos bag generally has 15 tokens, 5 of which make this attack fail. So...66% chance of success. Let's just say 70 for giggle. 3 in 4 chance to succeed, almost.

Final damage is 8 as your free action fight. Plus your One-Two punch = 3 damage, for a Final total of 11 damage if the stars align.

11 damage for 2 resources and 1 action. Yes please. Oh, you have 2 actions left btw.

Ps, Ps. Double or nothing One-Two punch at base 5/7 = 6 damage. So it's kinda like a shotgun?

Bang! Bang!

Edit: We all agree that Double or Nothing works with One-Two Punch as being applied to both attacks, as they are both in a single action, yes?

Someone check my math, but yeah.

Sure, this card is pretty good, but Dynamite Blast does damage to EVERY enemy at the location. — dscarpac · 1140
I can't parse some of these situations well enough to check the math, but it seems likely some of it is off. You mention seven damage for 2 resources but it's not clear where the +4 damage is coming from. In another spot you mention the Beretta, which can't be combined with the fight action on One Two Punch. One thing I am sure of is that Double Or Nothing (like all skill cards) only affects the test it's committed to and not subsequent tests (even if multiple tests are triggered by the same action). — Pseudo Nymh · 61
In response to your edit: absolutely not. Double or nothing applies only to the skill test it is committed to, so you need to pick one of them. — zrayak · 86
This reads like a fever dream, and it's clear that there are some misunderstandings on perhaps multiple levels. One of which might be that attacks deal damage equal to your skill test result? — Death by Chocolate · 1473
It's a little bit confusing: Tony starts his turn and attacks an enemy with a bounty. So this fight is his free action. He's using the Beretta and gets +4 skill and +2 Damage. Further he commit a vicious blow for a further skill and damage. If the attack succeed with a skill 10 (5+4+1) he deals 4 damage (1+2+1). Then he commits double or nothing for doubling the effect of the test for a total of 8 damage. With his next action he then play one of two punch for further 3 damage. In total 11 damage in two action for much more then 2 ressources since you need to pay the weapon. — Tharzax · 1
One thing to mention, though it wasn't debated, is the second fight on this card is an "if you succeed" which means it is part of the successful test. I think it you double or nothing the first test you then perform the second test twice. Meaning this +donut does 3 fights, each doing 2 damage — NarkasisBroon · 10
Nkosi Mabati

What if I name a token which is not in the bag (like the curse token but I never put any curse into the bag), do I search the bag and reveal nothing, then return all other chaos tokens to bag and resulting no chaos token at all?

wax0714 · 8
If you don't find the seal you can't resolve the reveal it instead term. (And probably since this effect don't change the game Staus you aren't even allowed to trigger the ability) — Tharzax · 1
Fingerprint Kit

Unfortunately for this card, Divination level 4 exists.

Let's compare Divination 4 to this card.

  • It costs 2 less
  • Only spend charges on success
  • Same +2 investigate
  • Same +6 clues for clue compression, with potentially in 2 actions instead of 3 Whoops math is incorrect here. The math is actually better for Fingerprint Kit over 3 turns (assuming successes).
  • Takes up arcane slot which is less contested for seeker
  • Does not exhaust
  • The only place where fingerprint kit level 4 is better is there is not a consequence for succeeding by zero

So yeah assuming you have EoTE I would always take Divination 4 over this, if your seeker is rolling in money you could take Fingerprint Kit 4 as well.

tactis · 18
Fingerprint Kit (4) gets you 9 clues if you succeed on all 3 tests. Divination only gets you 6 clues. Recharging Fingerprint Kit's uses is more efficient, since 1 use = 3 clues instead of 1 use = 1 clue. — dscarpac · 1140
Fingerprint Kit also benefits from item synergy (Backpack, Schofner's Catalogue, etc) and doesn't risk discarding cards from your hand. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
Also, Kymani can take it, but not Divination. — Susumu · 371
The kits supplies can be restored easier by e.Cache 4 than charges (I think that’s mystic only) — Django · 5107
But recharging charges is generally easier then supplies (e-cach, venture, contraband and the new mystic skill are the only options I know for supplies) — Tharzax · 1
Your comparison has a mistake at the point "Same +6 clues for clue compression". — Dippy · 1
If you spend all 6 charges from Divination (4) within two actions, you get 6 clues in total (which is +4 clues). This is the same you get from two successful actions on Fingerprint Kit (4). Considering this, you could make an argument that Fingerprint Kit (4) has the same value as Divination (4) if you succeed at 2 out of 3 tests, but greater value if you pass all 3. — Dippy · 1
And then, Cleaning Kit arrived... — Turloghdubh · 7