Motivational Speech

This is an obvious card for Mayor Kane. Since he can pick his classes, motivational speech (0) was a strong argument to go guardian. With this being neutral, it frees up deck builders to go for another color. I would argue a better and more surprising user is Patrice. It has good symbols, and it’s a free action and up to (seven, thanks Su!) saved dollars for a teammate. Plus, you’re more likely than other performers or civic individuals to draw it multiple times a game.

The drowned city investigator box doesn’t have a lot of allies with -> actions, so that effect will be minor unless you bring out Robert Castaigne or Dakota Gruffalo. Since it’s a parlay, that combination could let an ally play Dakota from their hand and engage an enemy on you, letting you have your turn unimpeded.

MrGoldbee · 1473
Why "up to 6 resources"? AB costs 7. And "good symbols" is relative, if you spent 4 XP for the card. — Susumu · 372
True. The best use of the card is to play it. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Dreams of the Flood

This is the worst. How the hell do you deal with this? Lucius Galloway already has low sanity and the horror hits him again and again due to the reshuffle.

Even with ways to deal with the horror, the fact that this card gets shuffled back into the deck when you do you main thing potentially eats actions and the opportunity to draw into the cards you need.

AlderSign · 314
Steady handed also works really good — Tharzax · 1
Ditch it with Scroll of Secrets. — MrGoldbee · 1473
I actually think this weakness is a great way to tell you: don't draw too much or you'll be punished. And let's face it, Lucius is a prime candidate for infinite decks with his deckbuilding, so I like this weakness for trying to address this. With this being said, I found Forensic Kit and Steady Handed good enough to keep the sanity in check. — Valentin1331 · 74962
Fake Credentials

I’m actually pretty high on this for true solo. Yes, 4XP is a lot, yes you need an enemy in play at your location.

But you effectively ignore shroud and can pick clues from connecting locations. And most locations will only have 1 clue anyway, so 1 clue per action isn’t an issue.

And unlike Lockpicks, this one doesn’t exhaust or discard itself if you get a string of bad luck, so you aren’t at risk of losing your investigate asset.

Unfortunately it’s 4XP and green, so that limits who can take it, since you probably want at least 4 intellect for reliability, so right now that’s basically just Alessandra, Finn, Trish, and Bob Jenkins.

Maybe it works in Tony Morgan with the right ally? He is pretty bad at using the lockpicks, testing at “just” 5 where rogues usually expect to be at 6-8.

jericho · 672
On the Lam

The fact that this signature hasn't been reviewed in nearly ten years says quite a lot about it, I think. First, I'll highlight the good: It has some good icons. +2 to Will or Fight, +3 to Book or Foot, you can definitely use this card to help pass some important tests, or even to increase the odds of oversuccess, a Rogue staple.

But it's not a skill card, it's an event card. It's a cheap one, and it's fast, but its power is... not great. Compared to Trish's signature, Skids does not automatically disengage from anything, nor can he stop enemies from engaging with him. This means that if Skids is getting overwhelmed by enemies for some reason, this signature only delays being hit by them a round. That's still not without value (you could play this to cancel the Retaliate/Alert keyword, for example... but only in non-Elite enemies), but it makes the signature very conditional in its use. Furthermore, where Trish can proceed to move through a Monster-infested room, Skids will continue to engage anything in any new room he enters. This card's effect has some value, but it's just too situational. You could easily go a whole campaign without needing it, but rarely will you get through a scenario without ever thinking to yourself, "I wish I had just a couple more icons for this test".

So you basically might as well treat this as a slightly better Unexpected Courage. That's a fine concept in a lot of cases, but not for a signature card. Unless for some reason the various Rogue economy cards are unavailable to you, Skids will play much better with the advanced versions of his signatures instead.

Ravenson · 1
Although Trish's signature is way better I also often found myself committing it, treating it as a weaker version of Winnie's signature. I dunno, somehow On the Lam screams "tank build" at me: If you have enough actions of are already crowded you can collect enemies without taking attacks of opportunity and them blow them up with dynamite. *shrug* Why not? — AlderSign · 314
Library Pass

This card seems a bit too strong with The Necronomicon and Scroll of Secrets. Since you can easily search both tomes with Research Librarian, the combo seems too easy to get going for how strong it is.

If you throw in some secret recovery like Truth from Fiction or Eldritch Sophist you can easily recharge Scroll of Secrets.

You could also add Knowledge is Power and Library Docent if you want even more necronomicon action. Library Docent also works as a nice way to recharge Scroll of Secrets.

Pyrgbh · 2
Ariadne's Twine + Dr Milan Christopher make this combo infinite assuming you use at least one action to investigate every turn. Essentially turning your additional resource from Christopher into a secret for Scroll of Secrets. — Sengy · 2