Just a small review to express how much better this card is compared to the already highly praised Enraptured.
I have used and loved Enraptured in almost every Deck that can use it: Daisy Walker, Luke Robinson, Jacqueline Fine, Sefina Rousseau, Father Mateo, Jim Culver, Marie Lambeau, Carolyn Fern, Gloria Goldberg, Patrice Hathaway and even some Mandy Thompson.
It is hard sometimes to reliably succeed test as a primary , but the boost from St. Hubert's Key and Read the Signs helped tremendously.
Here, for 1xp, I now have a instead of a (which is great for ), I replenish at least 1 use, and I add the crazy versatility of reloading literally anything with uses. The only downside is that you can only replenish the uses of an asset that you use Ghastly Possession on, so it must involve a test of any sort.
You can find here the list of all the assets which would receive at least 2 uses from Ghastly Possession, if they involve a test. The outstanding ones IMO are:
- .35 Winchester and Runic Axe in Sister Mary.
- You can commit Ghastly Possession to an Ancient Power imbued Runic Axe for 2 maxed attacks and 8 damages in 2 actions during the same turn.
- Azure Flame/Shrivelling and upgrades.
- The Blur, Divination, Brand of Cthugha, Earthly Serenity and upgrades suite. It's good because you add a lot of charges, though these charges are less "worthy" than on other Assets.
- The Enchanted Blade
- The Strange Solution/Strange Solution with uses.
- Thieves' Kit for more resources.
- Hyperphysical Shotcaster that cannot be reloaded by anything else than Ghastly Possession