Everybody loves Carolyn (supporting on hard difficulty)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Carolyn Fern clues + support for 4 players [multi] 0 0 2 1.0

FunkyCape · 68

This is a full-support/seeker Carolyne build I've personally enjoyed. It is designed for 3 (maybe 4) players multiplayer on hard difficulty. After first 2-3 upgrades the build allows to heal out all 3 team members, while providing resources and being a decent seeker with solid 7 intelligence for investigation (8 with Fingerprint Kit and even 9 with Death • XIII)

A heavy fighter in your team is a must for this build. Works wonders with Mark, Roland, Zoey, Skids, Agnes.

Thermos is a bit questionable card and it's not very good in terms of value. However it works good if you have mystic starting with 2 Arcane Research in your team - then the synergy pays off. If you don't have one you might consider replace thermos for whatever.

The deck contains some placeholders for further upgrades: Take the Initiative, Inquiring Mind. Replace those cards first.

Core upgrades (prioritized):

1) 2 Ever Vigilant - a must-have for this build. If you feel that the deck is slow and expensive, this card alone fix all the issues

2) 2 Ancient Stone into 2 Ancient Stone. The Shrewd Analysis allows Carolyne to get second copy of 4xp stone for free! This combo is a must to use, since the card is insane and allow us to passively heal and generate resources during draw. It's also the best way to deal with Rational Thought.

3) 2 First Aid and 2 Clarity of Mind - a natural upgrades

4) 2 Stand Together - support your team even more

Further upgrades should really depend on your team composition, campaign, etc.

Other options for the deck:

Ward of Protection and Forewarned - especially if you don't have mystic in your team.

Persuasion - for certain campaigns, i.e. Carcosa

Peter Sylvestre + Charisma + Forbidden Knowledge - in case you really want to use free resources engine combo. I personally don't use it in this build because I don't want to spend XP on Charisma and waste 2 deck slots on Forbidden Knowledge which doesn't actually help team.