Carolyn, the true guardian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ryson · 40

This deck is meant to be played in multiplayer as clue gatherer / support (generate resources/heal horrors). It should be paired with a investigator with a high willpower taking care of the enemies (Agnes or Akachi are perfect). The name of the deck is the true guardian because, ironically, there is no guardian card included in its base version :)

How does it work ?


Backpack should tutor 3 of the many Items of the deck (the deck is thus thinner afterwards). If you do not need it, it still have a No Stone Unturned is also good card for tutoring important card in first hand. And if you have everything you need, the card has still a wild icon that can be used.

Healing (and ressource generation)

It is difficult to separate the two things in a Carolyn Deck. Forbidden Knowledge and Peter Sylvestre can net you 2 additional resource per turn for 4 turns. Peter Sylvestre as in any deck guarantees your mental sanity. For the mental health of other, Liquid Courage can net them 2 resources and the healing of 2 horrors for one actions. Hypnotic Therapy is less efficient but since it is self-included ... Painkillers are meant to heal damages and transform them into horror that can be healed ... generating resources at the same time. To a lesser extent Ward of Protection contributes to your economy: it gives you horror and thus opportunity to heal yourself and thus to gain resources.

Emergency Cache is also in the base deck but strangely it not count on that card for the economy because it is meant to be upgraded quickly to Emergency Cache to be able to add supplies to our different items.


Magnifying Glass is a must for a clue gatherer, it is cheap and gives you a permanent +1 for investigating. Fingerprint Kit is also a great card. +1 and +1 clue is great. It is quite costly but Carolyn can afford it. St. Hubert's Key gives you a and boost and the diminution of mental health is clearly not a problem for Carolyn.

Generally one or two of theses items are enough for Carolyn to fit her role as clue gatherer. However, if everything is in place, Carolyn investigates at 7 . And if it is not sufficient, her can still be boosted by Hyperawareness. (And yes, she can afford it).

What about enemies ?

Avoid them. This deck is not meant to handle enemies. However, it has the necessary tools to flee them. Peter Sylvestre raise your to 3. It is still not great but coupled with Manual Dexterity and Hyperawareness, you should be able to flee some enemies during a scenario. Moreover, I added Mind over Matter to help in that.

I also strongly considered Trench Coat because of the 2 additional health and the +1 but it did not made the cut because that was one more asset in a deck already having a bunch of it and because fleeing should only happens occasionally with this deck.

First hand

Your ideal first hand is


Here are my initial thought about the upgrade path of this deck:

Ever Vigilant x2: There is a lot of asset in this deck and this card gives action advantage for cheap xp. (plus the cost reduction but it is not my main interest here)

Stick to the Plan x1: Allows to have the Ever Vigilant available turn 1 and thins the deck a little.

Emergency Cache x2: gives you the opportunity to refill Liquid Courage or Fingerprint Kit. Moreover, this works with Stick to the Plan

Theses 3 will be my first upgrades... For the rest, I am still thinking about it:

Blood Eclipse x1/x2 would give you another way of dealing with enemies having up to 4 hp.

Reliable could be placed on Fingerprint Kit. Since it can be refilled with Emergency Cache, it becomes a viable option. It works also if you heal yourself with Liquid Courage but is less interesting. (Yes, I have invented a reliable way to get drunk in Arkham :) )

Peter Sylvestre can also be upgraded. It does not achieve a lot in the deck but the additional health/horror and the additional is still good for treachery cards.

Magnifying Glass can be upgraded but again it does not achieve a lot in this deck.

Relic Hunter can be added to allow Hemispheric Map to be included in the deck. With St. Hubert's Key and in the right conditions, it can net you a +3 and +3 .

Pathfinder is also a great seeker card. It gives you action advantage which is always good. However, it will need to replace another seeker/mystic cards because the deck is already at the 15 maximum.

And then, we have some other options if add Charisma

  • Dr. Milan Christopher: Good for investigation, good for resources. Take care however that the base deck has already 15 Seeker/Mystic cards. One (or two) of them needs to be removed to add Milan.

  • Venturer: Additional health, additional horror and additional supplies to be placed on Liquid Courage and Fingerprint Kit.


May 03, 2019 Ryson · 40

I began a campaign on the broken circle associated with an Agnes Baker deck based on self-inflicting horror and combat focused (with Shrivelling Fire Axe and Meat Cleaver ).

1st Scenario - The Broken Circle (possible spoiler ahead)

The pair of decks does wonder together. Carolyn Fern took all the clues in all the locations (and made the Act advance by herself until the last step).

Agnes Baker deck took every occasion to self inflict an horror to get rid of enemies. And it was really efficient. Some enemies were taken out without a single test by using the capacity of Agnes Baker multiple times in one turn. (And yes, we can do that, the limitation is once per phase.)

Liquid Courage helped a lot in the scenario because it healed 2 horrors generated 2 resources per supply.

Anette Mason was taken out in two turn by Agnes Baker without difficulty.

Result: 7 xp