Pete Forgets his Age [XP]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Taevus · 723

This is the mid-point target for a 4-player Forgotten Age run, where Pete is the flex.

Ally Interaction

Alyssa Graham lets you check for your weaknesses, Moon Stone, or a critical Desperate skill and Yaotl let's you discard accordingly. No more guessing!

Calling in Favors serves as both Flare and proactive healing. Duke ensures you can use it; bonus if you heal him in the process. If you blow the timing, A Chance Encounter lets you recur your Allies, even Duke and Alyssa Graham - though it can be hard on the wallet.

This is the plan to replace my soak items (Cherished Keepsake, Leather Coat, etc.) with these allies and fishing cards.

Desperate Synergy

  • St. Hubert's Key means we can use the desperate skills by lowering our sanity rather than taking horror. It can also be discarded in a pinch to heal us for 2 horror.
  • Yaotl can let us take advantage of these cards over multiple tests. Timing will be part planning, part rng. For example, using Reckless Assault for Duke doesn't help us with Ornate Bow
  • Drawing Thin - you might actually use this and intend to pass a test.
  • If you just have to be somewhere, you can use Track Shoes + Run For Your Life twice per round thanks to Pete's signature.

Static Boosts

  • St. Hubert's Key - Int & Will. My only regret here is not including Mystic events that add Will + Combat or Agi. Would be nuts.
  • Moon Stone - Will & Agi. Yaotl or Duke can help you discard & play for no action.
  • Alyssa Graham - Intellect - bye Newspaper or Magnifying Glass.
  • Track Shoes - Agility (both evade and fight)
  • Ornate Bow - Static +2 while attacking. With your full kit down you'll be shooting at a 7 Agi .
  • Fieldwork gets special mention as it's not exactly static, and only one copy will make it less reliable, but it is one heck of a card for Pete.


Going to let Duke do most of this. Fieldwork is a great help, and your passive boosts will put him at a 6 int. We gave up some turn economy in "Look what I found!" and Winging It, but hopefully the Desperate skills and Lucky! mean we won't be repeating tests.


We're embracing the Forgotten Age and Agility by picking up the Ornate Bow; the obvious advantage is that you get double duty from boosting Agi. Having played with Fire Axe and Dark Horse, I found that I often wasted the third turn anyway with a weak swing, so being able to boost one big swing with desperate skills or Scrapper is appealing, even if action 3 is reloading. In theory one turn of fighting would be: Duke for 2, bow for another 3, then reload. 5 Damage across 3 turns is slightly worse than the 6 you could do with Timeworn Brand, but TWB is very expensive, and Pete's base 2 combat is terrible.

Resource Generation

By far my biggest concern for this deck (followed by turn economy). Drawing Thin is the main source (not Taboo'd, but it would work just the same, a scenario later). Track Shoes can help us manufacture tests to use it on. It also helps that this deck is 1/3 skills, which are free.

Note: Some cards play multiple roles for action economy and conserving deck size, but are offset by a higher resource cost. Alyssa Graham for example is: Magnifying Glass, Cherished Keepsake, and whatever it would cost to deal with the weaknesses I won't be drawing.

Encounter Deck

Going into FA blind, but Pete will have 6 Will and 5 Agi to take it on. Later upgrades like Alter Fate, Eucatastrophe, A Test of Will, Will to Survive, should be further luxury upgrades. Even another Relic Hunter to wear both Moon Stone.