Mandy keeps her deck in her Hand, Survivor version

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Mandy keeps her deck in her Hand, Rogue Version 14 12 2 1.0

Django · 5032

Deck based on Dream-Enhancing Serum and Laboratory Assistant to keep a copy of every non-asset card in your hand. As result you draw 3-4 additional cards earch turn and commit/ play the 2nd and 3rd copies. Deck focused on gathering clues.

Basic strategy

  • 2 Laboratory Assistants increase your hand size to 12. Dream-Enhancing Serum makes the 2nd and 3rd copy not counting against hand size.
  • Get these assets into play as early as possible, while keeping the first copy of every non-asset in your hand to trigger Dream-Enhancing Serum's draw effect each turn
  • Mandys of 5 means she doesn't need help investigating shroud 3 or lower on standard difficulty, so you can contribute to finishing the scenario from turn 1. You're free to commit card besides the first copy to tests.
  • The deck's assets have a total cost of 18, so play other assets only if your Laboratory Assistants and Dream-Enhancing Serums are in play. For Astounding Revelation choose ressources.
  • Myriad cards work well with the Dream-Enhancing Serum cause the 2nd and 3rd copy don't count against your hand size and are more likely to trigger the serums draw effect
  • With all assets in play the deck has 11 unique cards (including Occult Evidence) so you could theoretically keep your whole deck in your hand, excluding weaknesses.

Starting hand

Additional combos




Mar 02, 2020 Ruduen · 951

How does the 'draw everything' strategy deal with the fact that if Mandy is drawing through her entire deck over and over? Each cycle is going to result in her suffering 1 Horror, and she's constantly losing a search/drawing an Encounter due to Shocking Discovery.

The Horror can be somewhat mitigated thanks to allies with good Sanity. However, constant Encounter draws have a pretty notable price and can add more danger than they're worth. Encounters that add Doom are probably the worst of these, since even drawing 'safe' cards means you're tearing though the deck and hitting these more often. However, there can also be particularly awkward enemy draws. If Mandy stumbles onto an enemy that happens to prey on her, if she moved to some other location before someone else did, or if the monster fighters have already acted, then the rest of Mandy's turn is going to be dead in the water. Ancient Stone is the only way for her to deal any damage, and that requires some method of drawing, and there's no real way for her to avoid that risk.

Mar 03, 2020 Sassenach · 179

Not sure if this is just a product of the way arkhamdb presents Mandy, but you seem to have too many copies of Occult Evidence here since this is a 30 card deck. There should only be one.

Mar 03, 2020 acotgreave · 829

I love this concept! Surely a deck like this would have Extensive Research in it?

Mar 03, 2020 Django · 5032

I will be playing the deck in a 2-3 weeks when our FA campaign with Sefina and Joe is over, though i prefer the rouge version. I suspect the ressource problems i mentioned earlier will be a bigger issue in the survivor version. For comparison, you start with 5 ressources and will be at 18 over 13 turns, assuming no other source. If you're lucky and get all 3 Astounding Revelations for 6 additional that's turn 7, but that doesn't account for events (though most cost 0-1).

@SassenachOh i didn't realize i could change the amount of Occult Evidence under "special", but not that the deck is published i can't change it anymore. Thanks for the hint.

Extensive Research should be playble consistently at 0 ressources, but the deck slots are very tight. I'd also like to have a second Grisly Totem and Eureka! but can't for same reason.

@Ruduen Regarding horror from reshuffling, with a base sanity of 8 i think Mandy should do fine. Once you have the 2nd Charisma, you could recycle Mr. "Rook" all the time. Drawing from the Dream-Enhancing Serum is optional, so you could simply stop when you're low.

Regarding encounter cards with tests, the deck has several cards with ? that can be boosted by Grisly Totem, which you can save for encounter tests in case you get close to 0 HP/ sanity. Add Lucky! for higher chances of success. In emergencies you could even commit/ play the first copy of these cards and get them back with your draw engine.

Mythos cards that add doom is a problem with her weakness that i didn't consider yet (add Overzealous for the icing on top). The best you could do here would be Forewarned cause you'll redraw it as well? Maybe replace Fortuitous Discovery and add 2nd copy of Eureka!?

For enemy handling, you could save your Essence of the Dream to evade, if you don't have the stone ready.

I think the best you do in both cases, after reshuffling, use Mr. "Rook" to search for your weakness at start of the investigation phase and have Forewarned ready. Once it's out, you're safe until your next reshuffle.

Apr 08, 2020 heppu · 2

Can't have 3 Occult Evidences ina 30 card deck, only one is allowed.