Wendy Adams - Structure Deck Series ( The Path to Carcosa )

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wendy Adams 0 0 0 1.0

Uncle George the Farmer · 43406

Hello Fellow investigators

Welcome to my structure deck series!


We finally finished with Dunwich Legacy and moved to Path to Carcosa. Our new card pool contains all the cards of the new cycle. We will discuss our new choices in our deck and which upgrade choices we take in solo and multiplayer.

In this cycle, we will have an average of 25-28 XP to spend on our upgrade routes. I will also create decks of the Carcosa investigators and I will upgrade everyone to the final cycle of The Forgotten Age. In the Circle Undone, Taboo List was introduced and I think you will already know the advantages/disadvantages of your favorite investigator in order to create your unique deck.

Finally, forgive me if I don't deck build more often but quarantine in our country is over and we start working again. That means less time for me to write and playtest some investigators with their deck(with the current card pool) I create in order to be efficient for you.

Let start with the show, shall we?


Things didn't change much for Wendy as far as concerning our deckbuilding. Still, Will to Survive is our way to go with a few changes here and there. Let's talk about our new choices:

Fight or Flight. What a great card! You can combine it with either Backstab or Fire Axe. This card makes Quick Thinking more likely to succeed without the help of Will to Survive. Don't wait to get too much horror on you in order to use this card. In standard 2 or 3 horrors are more than enough to play it.

Quick Thinking. I didn't use on my Dunwich build but with the addition of Fight or Flight this card can be used right from the LVL 0 build. Succeeding will give you one more action, meaning that you 're still under the effect of Fight or Flight if you 're willing to fight.

Resourceful. Usually, you will use it to bring back Will to Survive in your hand. You can always target other cards like Lucky! and "Look what I found!" if you need clues that much. Try to play around Wendy's Amulet if you have it on the play.

Honorable Mention: There are two event cards I want to mention if you want to consider them into the deck.

"I'm outta here!" is your safety card if you are going to add Charon's Obol. Consider adding this if you 're going this way.

Waylay is another card that can be used in specific scenarios and enemies. Don't force it in your LVL 0 Deck since you have Adaptable. Only swap cards for this when is needed (ex. Brood of Yog-Sothoth )

Upgrade Route

Our core upgrades are:

1x Scrapper

1x Adaptable

2x Leo De Luca Leo De Luca

In that time if you 're considering Charon's Obol then swap 1x Manual Dexterity 1x "I'm outta here!" and if you feel safe use it for the test icons.

Will to Survive remains our best way to create explosive turns in the game.

1x Flashlight 1x Lockpicks This card is a great card better working in solo than multiplayer. Adding her four to the investigation you can easily grab clues from the high shroud location making "Look what I found!" less relevant in standard mode. Using it in low shrouds makes this card having unlimited supplies since you most likely succeed by two or more.

1x Rabbit's Foot Pickpocketing. The new upgraded version gives us one more option to draw cards/collect resources along with Rabbit's Foot and it's fast meaning it wont cost you an action to play it. Also your evade actions can be boost greatly by Fight or Flight and Scrapper making it easier to succeed by 2 or more.

1x Manual Dexterity/1x "Look what I found!" 2x Will to Survive

1x Rabbit's Foot 1x The Red-Gloved Man

1x Charisma.

2x Lucky! 2x Lucky!

If you have XP to spare go for:

2x Emergency Cache 2x Emergency Cache for that extra card draw

and Exiled cards like Devil's Luck.

Honorable mention for solo: Newspaper an additional clue in solo means you can progress faster in your Act. But Wendy also has access to Lockpicks which is more consistent than Newspaper. It works better in "Ashcan" Pete I must say.


Wendy is the beast we all know. Fight or Flight gave her more consistent with her playstyle making cards like Quick Thinking, Pickpocketing playable to her deck. Plus, Resourceful adds more value by collecting back your powerful events.

I hope you liked our new card choices and we will continue with "Skids" O'Toole new deck.

To be continued..


May 24, 2020 linqiao233 · 1

Thanks a lot, George! Your decklists and reviews are huge help.

May 25, 2020 Uncle George the Farmer · 43406

@linqiao233 You're welcome, I'm glad you like them!

Aug 01, 2020 Nunt · 1

I am loving your structure decks as a brand new player. The amount of player cards is so overwhelming as I bought 4 cycles at once, so I opted to follow your per cycle decks. I am going into Carcosa now, have you planned any updates further?

Mar 10, 2021 jenshenrik · 1

This uses two core sets, right?

Aug 15, 2021 AltarofPan · 1

i'm playing a campaign with another investigator thats using Leo De Luca. do you have any alternate picks for his two card slots? thnx