Teach your friends! Beginners Finn Deck - Flex

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lemilissa · 308

Welcome to my beginners guide!

If you're anything like me then you constantly invite people over to try and learn the game so that they can play with you.

People at work, people at school, people walking their dogs, who cares! Everyone's welcome to try and learn the game and play!

With this in mind I've experienced that some investigators are easier to pick up than others and some cards are really hard to understand if you don't understand the mechanics correctly. That is why I have prepared beginners decks for you to make this deck for your beginner friend so that he/she/they can learn the game and it's mechanics without having to read laps of texts.

Lastly I just want to point out that these aren't necessarily great decks. They are made out of cards that have little text and are simple but still introduce the player to different mechanics of the game, including , and Fast. They are meant to be played without Taboo.

The last two deck guides I've made I showed Zoey Samaras and Daisy Walker, a combatter and a cluever. Usually I always recommend a new players to either focus on one or the other, but if you wanna spice things up, here's a beginners flexer! With Finn Edwards I wanted to focus on showing that a balance between combat, evasion and clues can be exactly what you need. Rogues specialize in overachieving, and when they don't they get demoralized. Hence why the 1 . Finn is a great represantation of rogues and how rogues work with his extravagant extra action to evade enemies.

  • Lockpicks is a great card to show the extravagance of rogues because it has a consequence if you don't succeed by 2. Just like .25 Automatic, .41 Derringer and Sneak Attack have a condition. Excellent way to show that some cards have an extra cost to use (effectively).

  • To join the Lockpicks, .41 Derringer and "Watch this!" theme there's Lucky Cigarette Case with the succeed by 2 . Additionally with Pickpocketing the comes back so succeeding by 2 while evading triggers two cards in play, good to teach your fellow noob that having assets in play can be very useful, even if they don't immediatly help with what you need to do.

  • Burning the Midnight Oil is an excellent example about how bold actions work. If you investigate with Burning the Midnight Oil, you can't use Lockpicks. This is a hard concept and, again, this is a great very simple example to explain with.

  • Shortcut and Elusive explain the word fast efficiently. Also, Elusive can be used even if there is no enemy on your location so (if played without taboo) can be used to teleport to the other side of the map. Make sure to tell your friend this so that they learn to think outside of the box!

  • Joey "The Rat" Vigil is an amazing, and I mean amazing example not only about how rogues are, but also about how work and how powerful they can be.

I would like to add that flexers are jack of all trades. They will never be as strong as a dedicated cluever in getting clues or a dedicated combatter at dealing with enemies. They are great soloists and never really get in trouble. The downside to rogues are their low , while they are very handy, they're really also scaredycats. Every class has a general flaw and while with and it's clear, with it can be a bit confusing. When your student picks a rogue, make sure to explain that their weakness is mostly a lack of defence against Treachery Cards in the Encounter Deck. To play investigators correctly it's crucial to know your strengths and your weaknesses.

I for one am practicing my explanation skills and this method has worked great for me to help my friends help me win the campaign. I hope that with this method I can help you guys explain to your friends better how the game works and expand this amazing community with me!

If you liked this deck, check out my previous ones:

Thank you all


Apr 30, 2023 WeDiscover · 1

Might be late, but thanks for these. I was looking for some decks to show new players!

Apr 30, 2023 Lemilissa · 308

Oh no I am super appreciative! Might have to even start making these again, they were fun!!