(parallel) Skids through the deck.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
(parallel) Skids 7th circle 0 0 0 1.0
(parallel) Skids 7th circle 0 0 0 2.0

frapet · 121

An untested Deck post so just verbalizing the main ideas here.

The deck was influenced by three factors:

"Skids" O'Toole got a nice paralel investigator front and back that lends itself for a "big money" build quite well due to the on its parallel side.

That action also lends itself quite well for "succeed by X" cards like Quick Thinking , Nimble etcetera. Since the difficulty of the test can be set at will (even 0!), these succeed by X cards are no longer bound by tests difficulty within the scenario.

Last but certainly not least the 25 card deck size that the parallel back provides a nice opportunity together with Underworld Support to go to a 20 card deck! Where I am of the opinion that 1 copy of everything is a severe restriction for a mere drop of 5 cards, the combined drop might make the deck reliable enough to give it a shot. There is also the caveat that Skids' parallel back provides in allowing you to not count upgraded Fortune or Gambit cards.

Starting off with in the Thick of It allows for Charon's Obol and The Moon • XVIII for more XP and a nice chance of 0.476 of finding that sweet +1 for the action the parallel front. The rest of the deck is geared towards a flex role of both enemy management (evading and killing with .25 Automatic) and cluegetting (with Flashlight and Lockpicks) the rest of the deck supports that or extra resource gathering (Gregory Gry,Lone Wolf,"Watch this!")

Surviving the first scenario will set Skids up for a nice dip into more payoff for his resource counts (The Black Fan and further support to reach those resource counts with cards like Hot Streak and (thanks to deckbuilding oppertunities) Hot Streak in the same deck or even an Unscrupulous Loan.

Succeed by X gets further support with cards like Momentum, Manual Dexterity and Daredevil (to find them).

The limited deck size lents itself a lot for the exceptional exceptional cards that the rogue class has to offer (The Red ClockThe Gold Pocket Watch)

Lastly, I quite like the idea that this parallel Skids makes his own "luck" with the inclusion of cards like upgraded versions of Lucky! and Eucatastrophe

Let me know what you think!

P.S. a comment pointed out that The Moon • XVIII doesnt work with Skids' action. So therefore The Moon • XVIII gets replaced by Momentum.


Jan 05, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

It looks good deck. In my case, I don't like Tarot card as a starting deck using In the Thick of It, because it's possible that random weakness is The Devil • XV or The Tower • XVI.

In addition, the test initiated by triggering ability of parallel investigator is not test even if you can commit as matching icon; your flat boosting such as The Moon • XVIII doesn't work. Note that flat skill value boosting stating "+X skill value" such as Well Connected or High Roller works. If you trigger during your turn, Eye of the Djinn is good supporting card for triggering.

Jan 05, 2022 frapet · 121

Thanks! Great catch. Missed that part in deckbuilding! I went for Momentum insteadof The Moon • XVIII instead.

Mar 28, 2022 Krysmopompas · 356

I like this deck a lot! And not a fan of Tarot (not Lovecraftian and weird having a "slot" in every deck for that mechanic), so hooray for the alternative in ditching it:) Even a simple Lockpicks (1) over the otherwise excellent Momentum (1) would get P-Skids off to a more secure start.

Mar 28, 2022 Krysmopompas · 356

BTW what would you tend to use in the hand slots? Difficult in solo as the upgraded .25 and Lockpick (1) combo is so useful...but the Black Fan and Red Clock combo is also great if you can swing it. Versatile in a Bandolier maybe, but hard to find...

May 22, 2022 frapet · 121

oof so sorry, I haven't checked back here in a while. This is mostly a question of opportunity. The Black Fan is fantastic but by then your investigate will probably be high enough to skip Lockpicks on standard