Father Mateo - A Most Ingenious Paradox

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Forgive me Father, I'm a paradoxically selfish egomaniac. 11 5 0 1.0

AussieKSU · 1054

Father Mateo - A Most Ingenious Paradox


The best answer to the mythos, and all of its horrors? Clearly it's a crucifix, a bible, and lots of swear words. Mateo will run rings around enemies (and possibly allies alike) with this unique blend of and tokens.

The premise of this deck revolves around two general mechanics. Adding bless and curse tokens to the bag, and then maximizing the effects of those tokens through cards like Armageddon. It has excellent support potential as well, as we will eventually be adding a suite of bless token cards - beginning with 0xp cards like Ward of Radiance, and building to truly awesome cards like A Watchful Peace, Hallow, and Blessing of Isis. The latter is particularly powerful in Mateo, since he has an extremely potent . To polish all this off, we get to unleash the potential of green's Eye of the Djinn, taking super powerful turns, and leaving behind a wake of destruction and clues. We also add several tools to greatly increase, or even outright guarantee our chances of seeing our bless and curse tokens.

A Most Ingenious Paradox


Here's where the fun beings. Once a turn, whenever we finishing resolving a skill test where both a curse and a bless token were revealed, we auto pass the test. This means that even if our resulting tokens result in a -20, so long as we see these two tokens, we're sitting pretty. With this in mind, we want to pull as many tokens as we can, during our important skill tests.

Why this covenant over Ancient Covenant? I know you might be tempted to use the latter, but trust me, you want the paradox. The ancient covenant requires you to STOP pulling tokens as soon as you see the bless token. Conversely, paradoxical covenant allows you to keep on pulling, keep on pulling... until you are completely finished. This will be a super important mechanic once we upgrade our curse spells (See "Whistles and Bells, These Two Key Spells"). You'll get far more usage our of paradoxical covenant. Trust me.

When you activate your two key spells (See "Whistles and Bells, These Two Key Spells") you'll want to use one of your multi token mechancics described below.

Olive McBride- She will allow us to pull three tokens total, and choose to resolve two of them. Remember,you'll want to choose to resolve a bless and/or a curse token, so they will therefore allow you to use Paradoxical Covenant. Furthermore, choosing a bless and or a curse token will allow you to pull additional tokens (since by their nature, they each require an additional token pull). Remember, you don't care if you see -8, -6, all you're looking for is your bread and butter curse and bless tokens to auto pass.

Dark Prophecy - Similiarly to McBride, this event will allow you to see a whopping 5 tokens. Remember, that bless and curse tokens, according to the furrent FAQ count as tokens that you can choose to resolve as part of this test. This gives you an excellent chance to auto pass.

Favor of the Moon/Favor of the Sun - If you ever must have one of the tokens revealed, you have this in your toolbox. You can choose instead to guarantee the curse/bless token you're needing.

Bless and Curse Tokens, keeping the bag stuffed!

Spirit of Humanity, my goodness. What an incredibly powerful card. At a laughable TWO xp, this card is going to be the cornerstone of our bless and curse addition to the chaos bag. I suggest you use an application to manage your tokens. You'll be adding many, many tokens to the bag. Also remember that Spirit of Humanity can be used to heal as well as damage us, so manage your health/sanity with this card.

Remember, Mateo gets to start with 5 xp, so you're already well ahead of the game. There's extra punch to keep the bag well stocked with Keep Faith and Tempt Fate.

Whistles and Bells, These Two Key Spells


And now to abuse those tokens! You will never replace your Olive McBride. She'll keep you pulling multiple tokens once per turn, and you're specifically looking for bless and curse tokens. Remember, when you've see one of each, you can activate your Paradoxical Covenant, and auto pass the check (after all tokens are resolved). In addition, any elder sign you pull is just gravy on the biscuit. You ideally want to use Olive McBride when you activate one of your two key spells, Armageddon or The Eye of Chaos. Take all those curse tokens, roll them into extra tokens, pull a bless and auto pass.

This gets even more ridiculous when Eye of the Djinn is added to the deck. At that point, along with auto passing, you'll also be taking extra turns, and refreshing the eye. Go nuts.

You will have some minor spell slot issues until you find a sign magic. You'll be deciding between Spirit of Humanity, and your action spells Armageddon and The Eye of Chaos. Use Sign Magick to overcome this burden, but keep an eye on your hand slots. Typicall one of these is enough to give you the three slots you'll need to be a full operational battlestation.

Upgrade Path

  • Armageddon/Eye of Chaos should be upgraded depending on your party composition, and needs. Both are tremendously powerful for action economy with Olive McBride. The upgraded versions will reward you for EVERY curse symbol pulled ruing those tests. Keep this charged as a primary motivation, and get extra clues or deal extra damage as a secondary consideration.
  • Alter Fate. My oh my. Certainly in the conversation of best red card in the game. Your fellow investigators will thank you. You'll save failed missions with this little beauty. Every single mission in the mythos has targets for this card, and most of those targets are supremely annoying.
  • Eye of the Djinn. Wowsers. One of my favorite green cards. With multiple token pulls, you'll get to trigger and use this multiple times a turn. Remember, it sets your base skill to 5, giving you the ability to conquer almost any challenge. Take extra actions, refresh it constantly, and let the mateo holiness shine.
  • Hallow and/or A Watchful Peace may be run. Too many of each, and you might find yourself short of bless tokens in the bag. I find A Watchful Peace is probably the safer option, since you only need 5 bless to ignore drawing mythos cards.
  • Blessing of Isis. No, not THAT ISIS! The one that regins down extra actions, or free resources and cards! For those times you pull multiple bless tokens, why not turn it into one of the best elder sign effects in the game. With Isis, and Eye of Djinn, i've take 8 action turns with Mateo before. Ridiculous. Just make sure the bag is constantly refueled with tokens (see the aforementioned (cough, broken) Spirit of Humanity.
  • Charisma. Pick up in the same purchase of Nkosi.
  • Nkosi Mabati. Paired with one or two copies of charisma, you now have another way to guarantee a bless or curse token is pulled. When you play her, name curse or bless, and how all those other symbols magically become your desired token! Wonderful. I would recommend you choose curse tokens for this so your upgraded Armageddon and Eye of Chaos are going to stay charged with much more frequency.
  • Harmony Restored. If you're going to run 3 or more bless token eaters in the form of Hallow and A Watchful Peace, I strongly recommend picking one of these up. It'll give you even more power to keep more bless tokens available. Just keep in mind, this is going to remove curse tokens from the bag, which comprimises your ability to keep your spells hitting hard.

Potent Notables

Below is a list of alternative choices for cards that I find particularly good in this deck. They didn't quite make the cut for me, but are still strong.

  • Spectral Razor. Notably this will deal with your annoying weakness in one foul swoop.
  • Rite of Sanctification. Listen, I love this card. It's frequently going to net you 10 resources BUT... and here's a big but... it takes up one of your precious spell slots. If you want the increased money this gives you, and you're willing to work around spell slot issues, then by all means put it in.
  • Familiar Spirit. If you're going with more spells, and you want to also go deeper with allies, then spirit is worth consideration. Cheap, can soak ina pinch, and relieves you of a hand slot spell slot from sign magick.
  • Signum Crucis. With its taboo buff (no longer consting any XP, this is worth consideration in your deck. The problem is, it can be tough finding times to test on very high values to make it super worth it. This card really shines with the aboslutely ridiculously broken Drawing Thin, which sadly is out of our grasp unless you Versatile it in.
  • Priest of Two Faiths. Well, this seems very very good. Whenever I include him however, I always find myself stuggling for ally slots. This being said, if you pick up another charisma, you can certainly run him. He's probably a better additional later in the xp chain, when you feel like dropping the tempt fates or keep faiths.

Sep 01, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

Feel free to comment feedback and give me your.... your... blessing! I'll see myself out.

Sep 02, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

In my opinion...

Sep 02, 2022 dscarpac · 892

Re: Olive McBride -- "Remember, even if you don't choose to resolve a bless or a curse token, they still count as being revealed during the skill test"

My understanding is that this is not true.

Sep 02, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

dscarpac's statement is true; you should choose and/or to trigger Paradoxical Covenant or Blessing of Isis. This is because ignored token is not considered as revealed.

Sep 03, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

Thanks for your comments! I've read the rules and all the FAQs on the issue I could find. I did not find (but please, do let me know) anything that stated that chaos tokens that are revealed but ignored do NOT count as being revealed.

Sep 03, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

@AussieKSU There are no place that explictly stating like canceled/ignored token is not considered as revealed token in the offical document.

However, when we expand the semi-offical, you may find the FAQ part of the Grotesque Statue in the ArhkamDB. Otherwise, card ability interpretation 2.5 (arkhamDB rules link) implies that ruling, IMO.

Of course, I understand that you may not accept that ruling by those sources. If so, it is helpful to send the question via rule question (ffg site link).

Sep 03, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

Yea, I think grotesque's ruling is perfect, I accept it, thank you so much.

" If you use Grotesque Statue to 'ignore a chaos token', treat it as if you've never revealed that token, for purposes of effects that trigger if a specific symbol is revealed (e.g. Blinding Light)."

Sep 03, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

I've editted the description of the deck, thanks again guys.

Sep 13, 2022 fayezm · 1

I ran your Mark Harrigan deck in my last campaign and had a blast (see what i did there!) and looking forward to running this! Looks like a ton of fun!

Sep 14, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

@fayezm, fantastic. I'm delighted you enjoyed the Mark deck. I'm very proud of that one.

Are you running solo, or multiplayer?

Sep 14, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

@elkeinkrad thank you so much for the comment.

I agree that it is difficult to trigger an upgraded sign magick. This is why I did not put it on the upgraded path (althought it is in the side deck). I don't think you can drop spirit of humanity, otherwise, a rite of equillibrium will have few tokens to equilibirilize. The sign magick is primarily run for the extra spell slot.

I agree with your synopsis on bless token consumption (watchful peach, hallow) and only if I have another investigator who is helping with their addition. Also, hallow in particular is difficult to manage with blessing of the sun. It's certainly a tough add in some cases.

I agree mostly with your third point. A prescient would be a super addition. Recharge doesn't work with favor of the sun/moon. Voice of Ra is a super addtiion (considering the new taboo.

Sep 14, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

Oh i see. Recharge for the point of auto triggering it with favor. I understand you.

Sep 14, 2022 AussieKSU · 1054

@elkeinkradI would not drop down to x1 copy of each key spell. You have to increase your chances of seeing one of them, and since I'm not running Initiate, or any other spell search, I'm very hesitant to go the recharge, x1 copy route.

Besides, these spells have built in recharge.

Sep 15, 2022 fayezm · 1

@AussieKSU, I play multiplayer albeit very rarely. I've been collecting since release, but have only just gotten around to finishing the first two campaigns and am planning to start The Forgotten Age, so I still consider myself a beginner, especially in regard to deck building.

I always struggle when deciding which cards to replace when upgrading if it isn't a straight level up of the same card - which cards do you normally drop out first?

Feb 11, 2023 cabalpaxiarch · 113

@AussieKSU Love this deck, just finished scarlet keys with it. Slow start but really fun and timely powerful. I was wondering what your opinion was on a couple suggestions like books of psalms, priest of two faiths and rite of equilibrium. I actually played the last one in the deck and wasn't impressed. Too much experience for too few good opportunities to use it well. Thank you!

Feb 11, 2023 cabalpaxiarch · 113

@elkeinkrad I'm no expert on Arkham but simply based on English I think I disagree with your interpretation of the FAQ, point 2.5. It clearly differentiates between revealed tokens and resolved tokens. Not all revealed tokens have to be resolved but they're still revealed and there's nothing to suggest otherwise.

Feb 11, 2023 elkeinkrad · 481

@cabalpaxiarch That is just my opinion. I understand that the interpretation is different. Thus, I refer this part as semi-offical part with in my opinion word.

Anyway, Grotesque Statue qna at arkhamdb is directly related to it. If you want to check, you can simply ask FFG rule question section I noted.