Rita Young in 'War of the Outer Gods' (Standalone 19XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

madcircus · 126

Played the scenario with Preston Fairmont and Diana Stanley, in the single group mode. We actually won, had a hard time with mainly the blue cultists.

I really liked this deck, beforehand I thought Rita was too weak to really matter but I was pleasantly surprise to find out that's not true. Overall her real weakness was her low sanity of 5, which made Peter Sylvestre a must have.

Moonstone, Track Shoes and Peter Sylvestre makes her very realiable, and with a upgraded Peter Sylvestre, her will be solid enough to face the encounter deck. Enchanted Bow is also a solid pick against many of the Aloof enemies in this scenario, despite having to exhaust it. Ornate Bow is a good weapon for her, but the reloading action is hard to slip in when you have so few of then.

Main idea was to set up her few assets, and play the many events with a Crafty discount. Counter to many survivor decks, the access to all the Trick events from , like Pilfer, Cheap Shot and Breaking and Entering can make hers heavy xp-wise, for this standalone we choose to stop at 19 XP.

Other options which didn't make the cut, but are really tough to not pick were:


Sep 22, 2022 erucarno · 1

How do you plan to play Moonstone since it has to be discarded?