Sefina Rousseau's Criminal Record

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ric · 857


Sefina was previously an investigator I enjoyed dipping deep into the while only splashing the expensive goods, and while the level 0 setup looks like a mostly-even split, I feel that I am now taking more liberties to capitalize on her tendency to make money in more ways than selling her gorgeous paintings. That's right: it turns out Miss Rousseau has a thing for thievery, and she makes a pretty penny off that side-gig, too, despite always being on the run!

Role & Composition Assumptions

To quote Hideo Kojima's big reminder in his video games, Remember: This is a stealth mission. The lovely Miss Rousseau has no desire to make noise or draw attention to herself, even if she has some risky tools in the form of Drawn to the Flame and Delve Too Deep to help the team with clue and XP sponging. Her utilizing Charon's Obol is not just there to flex, either: She will avoid danger at any cost. If you are playing a campaign where Resigns are going to be easy short-cuts to avoid a tearful ending, consider swapping in some "I'm outta here!"s.

If you are following this setup, the main assumption is that Sefina will need one or two badass hunters who will be making lots of eldritch abominations disappear into pink mist, preferably those prepared to tail her as she cleans out each location while leaving pursuers in the dust. This is especially the case, because she will remain solo to take advantage of Lone Wolf. Her one Spectral Razor is there to keep her bonded friend from Crystallizer of Dreams out of the way, early on. As long as the other investigators can deal with foes, Sefina should have no issues slipping in, sniping clues, and dipping out, all while filling her purse with change.

Early Game Highlights

Sefina has three directives in how she handles herself on the field: Clue-seeking, Making Money, & Staying Hidden. My favorite tools from her starting kit can help pull off these directives with ease, such as:

Money will be tougher in the early-game than it will after assembling your core, but thanks to Charon's Obol and Delve Too Deep, you shouldn't have problems reaching that core after the initial play-throughs. Let's look at that, shall we?

Core Upgrades (25 xp)

Here is the route we take in order to shift our painter-turned-thief from novice to professional in no-time. While the XP fee for our core is pricey, you shouldn't have issues with the previously-mentioned XP-generators. I estimate 3-4 scenarios to accomplish these (4-5 for Dunwich). You are welcome to change the order around as needed, depending on how you feel you'll profit more.

  • Stylish Coat x 2, Lockpicks, & Thieves' Kit x2 (9xp) - I lumped all of these together, because I am going to call this upgrade what it is: Your tools of the trade. We need the money and clue-gain-advantages these give. Besides, we already gave her a head-start one one lockpick. We've got to have the other, right?
  • Streetwise (3xp) - You've only started making money, but now we'll need to put some of that money to use, especially since Well Connected won't shine until after the first half of a scenario. Let's also not forget, Sefina has to learn the streets to make it far in this new-found side-gig of hers.
  • Charisma + Cat Burglar x 2 (5xp) - This fits our theme but also suits our need to just keep away from problems. I was surprised how often our painter could laugh off would-be-pursuers with a smooth exit; bonus points against non-hunters in a location she has just depleted of clues. The extra is a plus-side too, and you can feel down-right invisible if you aren't lucky enough to pull out Luca but do end up pulling out both burglars.
  • Hot Streak x 2 (8xp) - I mean: With Sefina's The Painted Worlds, this is a glorious way to jump-start our wealth if one ends up in your opening hand, and now her Well Connected will feel primed and ready for near-guaranteed successes, as needed.

Late Game Recommendations

Time to put your money where your mouth is. Sefina is now an expert in painting with the color green in a way that will make other s blush with envy at the ease she does accomplishes this. Let's crank out some fun tools, shall we? No order in particular is necessary for these, but I do recommend the last to be taken during your final scenario of a campaign.

  • Breaking and Entering x 2 (4xp) - Daa-aang. I was always a fan of the level 0 variant, but these are just down-right powerful and stick around in her hand, even after repeated uses.
  • Pilfer x 2 (6xp) Like the option above, these play supremely well with how easy it is, at this point, for Sefina to avoid losing it from her hand. Between this and the previous suggestion, her The Painted Worlds will be grateful that Sefina isn't selling them too quickly on the market.
  • Well Connected x 2 (6xp) - Are you ready to show-off your wealth? Well get to it, you crazy thief-gal. You've made your fortune. Time to flex and spend like you just don't care, anymore.
  • Ward of Protection x 2 (4xp) - It goes without saying, but sometimes, your friends need help, too. Sefina may be a sly thief, these days, but I'd like to think she has a heart of gold somewhere in her art-obsessed heart, too.
  • Relic Hunter + Eon Chart x 2 (11xp) - When you just need to get a lot of stuff done during your final mission. Even just snagging the lower level Eon Charts are worth it if you can't squeeze these in before the finale.


While I still like splashing more and mystic goodness into Sefina's deck, I enjoyed seeing her cat-woman'ing her way through a campaign. The Scarlet Keys expansion definitely threw in some fun rogue-tools to push me to make this setup. Just remember: Sefina doesn't do free commissions, guys. If you want her art, you've gotta pay.