Flamethrower Porcupine Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Flamethrower Porcupine Zoey 5 2 0 2.0

Octo · 92

Superseded by version 2.0 due to comments made on this version.

This is a deck that got knocked-up by a friend before a standalone mission. Originally it had Armor of Ardennes and a M1918 BAR in it just to try stuff out, but I swapped them out for a second Survival Knife and Flamethrower for publishing. Also, I couldn't add two Random Basic Weaknesses so I added the two that turned up.

The point here is to get all the enemies off your party and onto you and damage them when they hit you, as well as generally hose them down with the Flamethrower keeping it active as long as possible.

The deck took a while to get going due to a dearth of weapons, but was fine once it did though when the Flamethrower sputtered out it very quickly looked pretty grim. This deck has very few ways to deal with horror too it turns out, other than a couple heal cards (one of which only works on Allies). So there's plenty of room for improvement but here it is anyway.



  • Charisma: wasn't used, probably not necessary as there's only two allies
  • Second Wind: this combos surprisingly nicely with Let me handle this
  • Survival Knife: it's on theme, but is this really better than the Machete here?
  • Venturer: slow and expensive to actually charge up the Flamethrower and you could just buy another gun, but decent due to the damage soak
  • The deck is quite expensive and has little resource generation - maybe swap in some Skill cards as it's very lacking in those.
  • Where's Beat Cop? Yeah could add that in as the + is always great and then death damage is on theme too. It makes me think it might be better to convert this to a Leo Anderson deck instead
  • What about Well Prepared? Yeah could be a good shout in this deck due to Flamethrower, but there's not actually that many skills icons on the other assets here.
  • What about Zoey's 5 misc cards? Yeah opportunity missed there, but the deck was only knocked-up quickly before we started

So I think in future I'd cut Charisma, swap out Survival Knife for Machete. Calling in Favors could be really good shout here for getting more out of the Venturers and Guard Dogs. The classic Sleight of Hand obviously works here, but I don't know, that's pretty cheesy these days. Need to think about horror and really scope out the out-of-class cards for good synergies. Still though, I kinda like this deck!


Dec 03, 2018 FractalMind · 42

Flamethrower takes up a body slot, so you’ll want to drop the bandolier.

Dec 03, 2018 Octo · 92

Oh yeah, so it does - we totally missed that, thanks! Right, need to make a couple changes then.