Hiding Spot

This card works very well with Parallel "Ashcan" Pete front. You can basically ignore non-Elite enemy for the rest of the game by recycling and playing this card each turn. Add also Chitarra di Pete and Trappola Improvvisata and you basically have full control of enemies without dealing damages directly to them.


Hank Samson testing combat at 8 Fight (in his resolute version)? Yes please! Sounds excellent for the hard and Expert chaos bags.

Even therein, testing at 5 for the singular action isn't bad either! We might just have found the investigator that wants to wave this thing into the mythos deck's face.

fiatluxia · 66
Just don't turn your teammates into goo. — MrGoldbee · 1470
I guarantee nothing. — fiatluxia · 66
Terrible Secret

Deny Existence was recently clarified to not work for this (much like Sister Mary's weakness no longer works with Deny Existence).

This has made this weakness the main difficulty in playing Diana, which is intended. She has a lower than normal horror value for a mystic, and depending on when this card comes out it can be absolute debilitating.

She doesn't have a good way to fish it out, and it is scenario failing to drop all of her willpower off especially if it comes out late. So the best strategy is to build her soak heavy and just hope you see this early. Brother Xavier is very attractive for this purpose, and also boosts her willpower.

After it's drawn you could play "Fool me once", but Diana will typically have low cycling power and it's unlikely you're going to run into this again. If you do find yourself somehow cycling rapidly with her you should consider Fool Me Once, as getting hit with this a second time will probably kill you.

Overall this is a swingy weakness, akin to Wendy's. Draw it early and it's probably just a foot note, Draw it late and you're going to have a bad time if you aren't prepared.

drjones87 · 194
Strong disagree. You are correct about not being as readily able to deny it, but unlike mary theres no reason to take horror much from this in the first place. The trick with this weakness is learning that Diana's ability isn't "+x will" its "draw a card and gain a resource once per phase". If you have enough cancels in her you usually use this to drop all the cards out from under her to make space for more. This isn't even close to wendy's. This "weakness" may as well read "draw 5 cards gain 5 resources" if your Diana has enough cancels — NarkasisBroon · 10
I normally wouldn't drop ALL the cards below Diana, but you can scale it accordingly to the situation. Also, it's not true, that DE "does not work" with TS, it just does not work AS GOOD as before. You can negate two horror with it. One by the cancel effect, and one by dropping another card below her, replacing it with DE, so you stay at the same willpower. That's still excellent value, at least for the level 0 version. The level 5 version is imho too expensive in XP to be wasted on TS, because it just gives you one additional horror spare compared to level 0. — Susumu · 371
Polar Mirage

The mystic in my group played Sixth Sense in that scenario and discovered a clue on an adjacent location while being at the Polar Mirage. Do they trigger Polar Mirage or not? Does the "at the attached location" refer to the clue obtained, or the location of the investigator?

In the same campaign we have Kindred Mist using the wording "while you are at the attached location", but we also have Snow Graves using the wording "clue from this location" Neither of them uses the wording "at". So which is it?

SadChara · 1
For Polar Mirage, the condition looks to pretty much be: Did you take a clue from the location that has the mirage? If so, it doesn't matter where YOU are when you got it- you fulfilled the condition on Polar Mirage, and activate its effect. — HanoverFist · 739
I do definitely see what you mean about how "at" could grammatically refer to either you or the clues, but it would seem very strange if the effect was intended to activate just because a person in that room acquired a clue, agnostic of where it came from. — HanoverFist · 739
1. This isn't really an intended place for rules questions, I recommend the mythos busters discord who have loads of lovely knowledgeable people who can go into more detail. 2. I don't know for sure about the wording on polar mirage but 3. It doesn't actually matter for sixth sense because sixth sense causes you to be investigating "as if" at that location. Per the faq other abilities resolved during the duration are resolved with the altered game state in mind, so for the purposes of polar mirage you are at that location while resolving sixth senses special investigate. — NarkasisBroon · 10
Thank you for your answer! I didn't realize the "as if" interaction would do that. Ilm didn't know about the mythos buster discord, I'll make sure to go there next time! — SadChara · 1
Lesson Learned

Not a review but trivia about art. If you type in Google "Walter Smith 1924" you will find a picture of man who looks exactly like the guy in art. Not a coincidence, no chance. Found about it accidentally going through insta stories.

bugiel_marek · 23
That's a very nice find! — Susumu · 371
Excellent catch. I love those 20s mugshots, and you're absolutely right, this is not a coincidence- just look at the stray strands of hair, and the shirt collar. — HanoverFist · 739
Lesson learned indeed. — MrGoldbee · 1470
It says on the newspaper article Walter Smith's picture is from that he broke into the house of Edward Mulligan! So the similarities grow — Sodeon · 1