Live and Learn

Recently, I hear that I can play multiple Live and Learn for a single failed test. After the test initiated by L&L finished, the timing would go back to the initial failed test and the second copy of L&L could be play. That make me think some big combo.

Step 1: using Will to Survive(3) to avoid drawing chaos tokens.

Step 2: Fight with Sledgehammer(4) triple-action ability (+5 fight +5 damage) and using double Drawing Thin and/or Quick Learner(4) to make the difficulty of the test 1 or 2 above your fight value and failed the test.

Step 3: Using L&L to fight again. With +2 skill from L&L, the test is successful and L&L go into the discard pile.

Step 4: The timing is still after the first failed test, so we can play the second copy of L&L to fight again with Resourceful to get the first copy of L&L in discard pile back .

Step 5: Using the copy of L&L we get back from discard pile to fight again with second copy of resourceful to get another copy L&L back.

Step 6: Using the final copy of L&L to fight again... for total 24 damages in one turn for the boss.

Is it worth it?

Chris_yang · 4
Add some Oops! (2) for another 6 damage each. — Death by Chocolate · 1453
Playing this combo on an exhausted or engaged enemy: cool and awesome. — Maseiken · 1
Playing it on one engaged with another gator: war crime. — Maseiken · 1
The effects of Drawing Thin would persist on the Live and Learn tests, though, right? — housh · 171
Yes, Drawing thin would carry to the L&L attempts, so use Will to Survive(3) and the +2 skill build in the L&L to ensure the success. — Chris_yang · 4
Bonnie Walsh

The true backbone of Arkham has arrived, and WOW is she a powerhouse of an ally! Not only is she Unexpected Courage on tap (get it?) but she also gives you second shots at your favorite exhausting friends! Tabooed professors extend your grant money, the cat army gives you more chances for buffs - hell, maybe you can even get a second try on some precarious tests!

supertoasty · 38
She is very good but is unlikely to see play outside Charlie Kane deck ;p — Susu · 36
I'm curious if Miss Doyle will see use in Charlie's decks. An extra ally is good but they all only contribute one icon to any given test... — Maseiken · 1
Each of the cats have two stats that don't match their ability, so unless you need them for a Willpower test, they are either worth +2 with Charlie's ability (remember that it adds 1+pips), or +4 if you use them to test at base 5! Miss Doyle has a wild icon so she is always worth +2. That is +4 to +6 total each round for 3 resources and 1xp. It seems like it would be harder to find reasons to not include the cat army in ANY Charlie deck. — Death by Chocolate · 1453
That is compelling, yeah. I found Yorick with a creatures build quite powerful but the cat army was more finicky to pilot than I expected — Maseiken · 1
Joey "The Rat" Vigil

Just wondering something about Joey's second ability. It says "Discard an Item asset from play: Gain 2 resources". I'm sure I'm reading it wrong but would that not mean you could discard items in other players play areas? It doesn't say your play area.

I'm sorry but the review section is not for question; I think BGG is great place to quest the rule. Another review by Nenananas handles this issue. To pay something as the cost, you need to control; thus, you can only discard the item you control. — elkeinkrad · 492
Forced Learning

This permanent was really fun with Mandy Thompson (30 cards). Every line on the permanent worked to her advantage.

+15 deck size? Great, I can fit in three sets of Myriad cards, Segment of Onyx, A Glimmer of Hope and Astounding Revelation while not feeling like I have a bloated deck. 6 spots leftover for me to fill in with Seeker allies (tons of great options).

Draw 2 cards per upkeep? Great. Procs my Ancient Stones twice as fast with no action required.

Discard 1 of them? Great. Lets me discard allies, survivor cards, item cards.

What to take with Survivor subclass as Mandy? Winging It, Impromptu Barrier, A Glimmer of Hope, A Chance Encounter. Three of these are playable from the Discard Pile, while A Chance Encounter lets you play discarded allies.

Don't forget to take Calling in Favors to be able to put 2 allies into play using Mandy's ability. You can even use it on the "A Chance Encounter" target.

For upgrades, take Charisma/Miskatonic Archaeology Funding to facilitate more allies. Ancient Stone to utilise the Draw 2 effect. Versatile + Scavenging to recur any items used up or discarded during upkeep. Protecting the Anirniq works wonders with Ancient Stone/A Chance Encounter.

Conclusion: Don't take this if you were hoping to be flexible during upkeep and "choose" which cards to keep based on the situation. Don't take this if you care about your opening hand either.

Instead, take it if you're like me and actively WANT half your deck discarded and to proc Ancient Stone. The only things I didn't want to discard were Talents, Skill Cards and the cards that let me do ally shenanigans. Everything else was fair game.

Oh, and who cares if you drew Shocking Discovery during your upkeep phase? You lose the other card which you can probably get back and it's considered a dead draw which doesn't matter for a Big Hand Mandy deck. As Mandy, I almost never draw Shocking Discovery because she has plenty of ways to proc it on her own terms via Search.

kongieieie · 13
I played this without Ancient Stone and it was still incredible. Used Versatilex2 to get Quick Thinking — Maseiken · 1
Miskatonic Archaeology Funding

As someone immersed in academia, I find the restriction on damaging your Miskatonic allies a hilariously realistic representation of your need to stay in your founder's good graces and demonstrate responsible stewardship of grant resources.

I mean, everyone takes some wear and tear on an expedition, but you are not going to get your grant renewed if your annual report shows you recklessly shoved the funded professors into the front lines of fighting with unholy abominations.

That OTHER intern you have with you, though--they came along on private funding. You can totally send them to investigate that noise.

You're right that it's a win for theming and absolutely hilarious to boot. — DjMiniboss · 44