Charon's Obol

As I play through Arkham Horror I like this card less and less. Some scenarios just aren't meant to be survived. The small exp buff this provides isn't enough to deal with the instant death from failing these scenarios.

Maybe good in a campaign that doesn't have an auto fail... but otherwise skip.

drjones87 · 194
What scenarios aren't meant to be survived? — Nenananas · 258
Theres not a lot I'd call auto fail. Maybe Depths of Yoth if you've really been pissing Yig off? Even so: I think in the trickier campaigns you'd still be fine if you just run I'm Outta Here. — Maseiken · 1
I think it's good some people are hesitant to take this. If that weren't the case it would pretty much be free XP for every single Rogue. When you take this you're taking a risk, but that's the Rogue life. What is less fun though is that if the person taking this DOES end up dying, they might just not want to continue the campaign rather than pick a fresh investigator. I think once can always pick an OP investigator that requires little XP and still do fine in the later scenarios. — Nenananas · 258
I took it once in Trish, because I was lured by the interaction with Whitton. Played "Return to the Doom of Eztli" with it. I had the rope and the option to span over the Viper Pit with it, so that everybody can bypass it, or simply "get outa there", and leaving the others, including the one carrying the Relic of Ages behind with no chance to get out. I choosed helping the others and died in the next mythos phase. Still think, this was the right choice, because failing to recover the RoA in that scenario bears a bigger disservice for everybody (either trying it again with less time or piling up on vengeance) than starting with a new level 0 character in "Threads of Fate". — Susumu · 371
@Susumu Picks Charon's Obol, still sacrifices themself to benefit the team. A true Arkham Horror hero (insert good guy greg meme here) — snacc · 995
The consequences of either having +10 Yig's Fury or retrying the scenario with 1 less round and potentially completely wiping out the party seemed to be a worse choice to me than sacrificing Trish. And I could have been lucky to survive the mythos phase and be outa there next round. But that's the problem with the obol, imho. That it makes the Rogue a liability for the whole group. You either try to protect them, possibly forfeiting XP for the group like with "Delve Too Deep", because a "Rotting Remains" might kill them, or they possibly have to resign before they have done their job, failing scenarios because of that, or they have to restart a new level 0 investigator mid campaign. Either option is not great for the progress of the game. — Susumu · 371
Hallowed Mirror

One key difference between this card and the base card that hasn't been touched on...

When the level 0 version leaves play, it takes soothing melodies with it and you can't get them back for the rest of the scenario (removed from game). As such the level 0 version has slot pressure on it for other good Guardian cards.

This text however is absent on this card, meaning once it leaves play your melodies stay, albeit they're the downgraded version of the spell. This removes slot pressure without having to take relic hunter, which further increases the versatility of this card.

drjones87 · 194

There's a card that will really shine
Every time
Stu-stu-studious, oh-oh
It lets me draw an extra card
And I get it from the very start
Stu-stu-studious, whoah-oh-oh

Oh, even better, I'll buy two
Now I have a bigger hand than you
And when I hard mulligan
My chance for Rook is oh-point-seven-one
Stu-stu-studious, point-seven-one
Oh Stu-stu-studious

Now it's only three XP
That's really not many
Stu-stu-studious, oh-oh
Try it out, you'll see it's fine
It's like a card gold mine
Stu-stu-stu-studious, oh-oh-oh

Uh, I've got to buy it, buy it now
I tried to play Mystic but I don't know how
The doom on Initiate, it makes me scared
But I feel so good when I play Seeker and
Stu-stu-studious play Seeker and
Ohhh St-t-t-t-st-t-studious

Ah, it's all I need in my deck
I just don't care what other cards I draw
Ah what else I draw
Ohhh Stu-stu-stu-stu-studious
Oh what else I draw
Ohhh Stu-stu-studious
What else I draw
Ohhh St-t-t-t-st-t-studious
Ohhh oh oh

Jaxtrasi · 34
For those unaware, the song being referenced is "Sussudio" by Phil Collins. — anaphysik · 95
Damn the user who started this musical review trend. — durah · 1

Additional action + no exhaust is sexy since you can continue using that action to evade consecutively, and still have actions to move away. Managing to evade but unable to make some distance and getting caught up again feels bad and that is more likely with more enemies. If a ready enemy is waiting at the next location, you can continue surfing it and get an action to move away yet again a few times. Very reassuring spell for non-fighter that can dip into or , you save engage action for the fighter and your own action at the same time.

I have just tried with Daisy Walker and it has some nice synergy with Encyclopedia play as if succeed, it restore AoO-free state for her to use her free tome and get to work with full 3 actions of Encyclopedia boost, all while dropping engagement for the fighter. It just clicks...

5argon · 10717
Joey "The Rat" Vigil

For my personal experience with Joey. I've got scenario with 10++ resources, Jenny's Twin .45s and couple items on hand, Leo died. Is this finally the time for him to shine?? nop. I choose to keep Hired Muscle just for put guns in normally not even use all moneys. Yet again, Joey still on bench.

I know he is bad but still got some hope in him. Hard to win in action efficiency wise compare to Leo. Maybe I really need to focus on what he has in different.

-- it's | not mainly for action efficiency but for precaution. You don't have to equip weapon until enemy spawn. quickly put up Elder Sign Amulet when you got sanity treasury test? sound like cool moves which rarely happens.

-- how this ability has no limit per turn |For Leo, you got 1 action per turn but Joey you got infinite action for item until you broke. So maybe he might shine on some build. High resource might not be enough but might need big hand aswell. and burst playing item asset like some ultimate (for what tho. Only thing I can imagine that there are some location that give discount to item)

Pawley · 30
Ya Joey (lv. 0) is basically not much more than an expansive damage soak. Jenny can take Down to the Rabbit Hole, and then use Adaptable (for 2xp) to swap in Joey (lv. 0) (and bunch other cards of course) and then upgraded Joey (lv. 0) to the much better (lv. 3) version. — liwl0115 · 41
A really heavy item build in Preston is about the only place I see Joey Shinning, he's just too expensive for anyone else really. — Zerogrim · 295
Joey's main complement, basic or upgraded, is in the overlap of Survivor and Rogue. Soaks are excellent targets for Fast-ification, as are fragile or low-ammo weapons that you want to use efficiently. — Maseiken · 1