La donna è mobile

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AkaanQ · 1545

La donna è mobile

La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento - e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, - è menzognero.

È sempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,
Chi le confida - mal cauto il core!
Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno - non liba amore!

This is the deck I used to play true solo through the Carnevale of Horrors and I got R1 after a very tense and enjoyable game !

The modus operandi of this deck is pretty straightforward : throw money at tests and use special move effects to thwart the location scheme.

Investigation is covered by Lockpicks and Streetwise. The latter also covers Parley tests.

Elusive and Astral Travel speed your way through the streets of Venice while avoiding nasty Carnevale Goers. Shortcut also helps in this matter.

Switchblade is the weapon of choice, .41 Derringer being there as a backup. Hard Knocks and Physical Training are in there to pump and ensure the +1 damage. If you have Daring Maneuver in hand there's no need to overcommit resources.

Leo De Luca and Quick Thinking because ... well ... there is a lot of things to do in this scenario.

Beware, spoilers ahead

The deck really performed as intended. I had Lockpicks and Switchblade in my starting hand. Unfortunately, bad pulls emptied the Lockpicks pretty quickly so I had to fall back on Streetwise for clue gathering.

I drew the 2 weaknesses blindly so I was concerned Paranoia was is my deck and refrained from playing Hot Streak too early.

I never flipped Masked Carnevale-Goer blindly and always used a clue to look at their other side. Luckily I didn't have to look at Elisabetta Magro (I had already looked at the 6 others).

Eventually, the Baleful Reveler managed to pin me down and I drew Writhing Appendage on the following Mythos phase : Brave Jenny and her faithful Leo De Luca managed to kill them both thanks to Switchblade.

Then, it was just a matter of avoiding hunting enemies and not losing Innocent Reveler to treacheries.

Astral Travel was so good : need to go to the boats ? No problem !


Jan 14, 2018 zozo · 2971

Nice little write-up, and lots of things to consider. I'd always figured Jenny had enough mobility with 2 x Elusive, but for a scenario that really punishes you if you can't move enough, adding the Shortcut and Astral Travel seems a really nice choice. In a campaign, Adaptable would allow you to sub in the needed cards if you knew you had a lot of movement ahead.

Why did you go for 16 xp instead of 19xp? One Sure Gamble in the place of one Daring Maneuver would take you up to the maximum xp without needing another weakness, and it can perform the same function (and better).

Jan 14, 2018 AkaanQ · 1545

@zozo it is 19XP ! You can verify by yourself. It seems ArkhamDB does not count XP from Permanent cards (Charisma here).

Jan 14, 2018 zozo · 2971

Charisma's not in the deck! Streetwise is, and is counted... but yes, how strange. I will have a look at what's going wrong in the db here.

Jan 14, 2018 AkaanQ · 1545

Sorry, I meant Streetwise

Jan 14, 2018 AkaanQ · 1545

2 from Lockpicks + 2 from Leo De Luca + 4 from Switchblade + 8 from Hot Streak + 3 from Streetwise = 19