Hey kid... wanna buy an Action?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SGPrometheus · 761

If action compression (doing two or more things with a single action) is arguably the most powerful thing in the game, shouldn't a character with one more action than anyone else be extremely strong? That got me thinking about Skids, and his ability to take 3 (standard set) +1 (ability) +1 (Leo) +3 (Ace in the Hole) +2 (Police Badge) +1 (Derringer) +1 (Quick Thinking) actions in a single turn, for a total of 12 actions. That's equivalent to 4 of another investigator's turns, and it's not counting a second copy of Quick Thinking (+1) or Police Badge (net +1 after playing it), which give us 14 total. While this is a crazy dream-turn, it's far more likely to simply take 4 more turns than anyone else over the course of a full game, rather than all in one turn. And furthermore, you need to survive a few scenarios to gain the xp required for the full combo.

The deck has significant combat and evasion ability, but middling investigation power and limited defense against the Mythos deck. The .41 Derringer is great for higher-fight enemies and should be upgraded ASAP, and the .45 Automatic can be exchanged for Lupara or the Typewriter, or one of each. Flashlights will be instantly switched up for Lockpicks, which will greatly improve the deck's ability to investigate, assuming you can find them (on a side note, there's very little fetch/draw in the deck, so either mulligan aggressively or add in Pickpocketing or similar).

Between Joey, Leo, your ability, and all your other expensive assets, the deck may struggle with resource generation, but should recover after you pick up a Hot Streak or two. At level 0, Lone Wolf and showing off are the only economy cards included, but they're highly subjective themselves and can be replaced with Emergency Cache depending on solo/multiplayer/playstyle. Alternately, you could include Burglary if you think you can investigate reliably.

Sleight of hand combos well with Flashlight, .41 Derringer, .45 Automatic, as it allows you to expend their charges with your extra actions, then play them with full charges later.

Think on Your Feet, Elusive, and Dynamite Blast are all in there to further compress actions, allowing you to evade+move or do 3 damage with a single action. Even while enemies are engaged with you, you can always play Skids' On the Lam to simply ignore them and take your game-winning turn unhindered.

Upgrade path: Hot Streak, Ace in the Hole, Lockpicks, Lupara, Chicago Typewriter, Police Badge.


Mar 27, 2018 Invisiblecam · 1

I like the look of this deck and think I am going to give a try, teaming up with my Norman Withers deck that concentrates on clue gathering and encounter deck manipulation..

Mar 27, 2018 SGPrometheus · 761

@Invisiblecamthanks! I think I need to really consider where it's going and pare it down some, however, since there are a lot of actions in here, but not that much action compression, which is kind of the point.

Mar 28, 2018 petabk87 · 1

I dont think Lockpicks combos with Burglary, because unlike Scavenging, Burglary requires an action. Using Lockpicks and using Burglary are 2 different actions.

Mar 28, 2018 Invisiblecam · 1

I had a good game with this deck last night. I made a few changes.. Swapped think on your feet for Narrow escape and opportunist with overpower. Yeah, worked pretty well during curtain call. Maybe a bit slow to start with but pulled its weight when helping the other investigators.. Earned 5 xp.. Nice deck..

Mar 28, 2018 CaiusDrewart · 3030

I like the idea here but I find Joey over Beat Cop really hard to justify. Same for omitting Overpower.

This deck clearly really wants to fight with weapons, but I think Skids is going to have an awfully tough time actually hitting enemies unless he adds more cards that boost his combat.

Jun 03, 2018 SGPrometheus · 761

@petabk87You are 100% correct; they do not interact the way I thought they did when I wrote this description. Good catch; I'll edit it soon.

@Invisiblecam I'm glad you like the deck! Your edits sound pretty in-line with the changes the deck needs, so I can't disagree there. Glad it worked for you!

@CaiusDrewart You are absolutely correct. Joey was put in the deck purely for his ability to save actions, but the extra from Beat Cop (not to mention the free damage) will probably save you more time in the long run. Overpower is also a great include, and for the same reason Hard Knocks is another consideration, or Physical Training if you want over . These get even better once we get better economy cards, and Streetwise combines with Physical Training to cover all four stats if we want that.

Thanks for the comments, everyone; I think I'm going to edit this soon and publish a new version with better combat chops.