Actually Carolyn Fern

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Actually Carolyn Fern 2 0 0 0 1.0

Chromatikat · 3

This is a test/first draft deck for the upcoming 'novella preview' investigator, Carolyn Fern.

She has 6 health and 9 sanity. Her stats are 3 4 2 2.

Her ability is:

After one of your card effects heals horror from an investigator or Ally asset: The healed card's controller gains 1 resource.

effect: +1. You may heal 1 horror from an investigator or Ally asset at your location.

Her "Replacement" Signature Cards

4 Cost, Pips:

Ally slot, 1 Health, 4 Sanity.

Ally. Creature. Dreamlands.

Carolyn Fern deck only. Replacement.

Foolishness enters play with 3 horror on him. Horror on him may be healed as if it were on Carolyn Fern. While Foolishness has no horror on him, you get +1 to all skills.

Task. Dreamlands.

Carolyn Fern deck only. Replacement.

Revelation — Attach To Fight the Black Wind to the current agenda. Carolyn Fern takes 1 direct horror.

Forced — At the end of the round, if any amount of horror was assigned to an investigator this round and it was not healed: Place 1 doom on attached agenda.

Her deckbuilding requirements are:

Deck Size: 30

Deckbuilding Options: Guardian cards () level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5, cards that "heal horror" level 0-5, up to 15 other Seeker and/or Mystic cards level 0-1 ( and/or ).

Deckbuilding Requirements: Hypnotic Therapy, Rational Thought, 1 random basic weakness.

Additional Restrictions: No Weapon cards level 1-5.

The deck uses 16 total Mystic/Seeker cards, but per Matthew Newman any cards that fit under the umbrella of "heals horror" do not count against this deck restriction as they are part of the "heals horror" category of cards she can include.

Confusing, I know.

Basically, this deck tries to play her as she seems to want to play, as an across-the-board healer and support 'totem' with some solid ability to kill stray enemies and investigate locations.

Her ability has some interesting combos as it is (currently, this may change by release) not limited by any per round or per phase phrasing.

This makes it an excellent one-two punch combo with Forbidden Knowledge and Peter Sylvestre, as tapping Forbidden Knowledge to put a horror on Peter gives her a money, then Peter 'healing' himself at the end of her turn gives her another money, doubling the total gains from Forbidden Knowledge from 4 money to 8.

Experience Spending:

As far as spending goes, Carolyn has a huge selection of cards. Some of the mainstay "power cards" like Pathfinder, Brother Xavier, or upgraded Peter Sylvestre will be hard to bypass, and the upgraded Fearless is solid.

I personally would recommend Charisma and Charles Ross, Esq., as the Forbidden Knowledge/Peter Sylvestre combo could see you netting a ton of funds over the course of the game, and helping your guardian/mystic get set up with their pricier firepower is yet another way to offer your support.

Police Badge will let you share actions with your teammates and give you a passive +1 until you do. Stand Together will share money and cards with your guardian or mystic trying to afford or play that crucial powerup.

If you have more than one teammate using firearms, Extra Ammunition might be a consideration, especially if you bring in a level 0 gun yourself.

In a less serious, but still useful context, Cheat Death heals horror and is therefore a valid option for Carolyn.


Apr 04, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67453

Nice on picking the mantel up on this. Im sure there are several people dying to see her deck building options.

Some (entirely speculative) thoughts in case they help.

  • I love the Forbidden Knowledge => Peter Sylvestre combo. I can see that getting a lot of play. Painkillers might fit here in a similar way. Thematic too.
  • I would imagine Machete isnt going to be landing alot of blows, perhaps Shrivelling might be better in that attack slot? the effect can even give you some horror to heal back for cash. or ofc you have Peter Sylvestre and St. Hubert's Key. Upgrading Peter Sylvestre gives you another passive too. It may be transient but she doesnt look like a killer. she looks cluey-support.
  • Similarly i suspect landing the kill on a monster enemy may be a rarity in a less combat focused ID for "If it bleeds...". Have you thought of Clarity of Mind for something a little more dependable.
  • Inspiring Presence looks like it needs more allys in play here. Peter Sylvestre self repairs, and its great if you find her cat ofc but that is 2 cards to support 1 sig asset that you cant tutor. ofc depending on your comrades decks it may get more game.
  • Finally i think you may need some draw in there. I just dont know where to put it. You have access to seeker tho so there should be something. Eureka! is a great card if it helps. has and pips on there so it plays into her gameplan too.

With that much cash and a bit of draw she may be a late game monster or an early game event queen. ... er... somehow! This may be my slightly naive "1. Cash & draw, 2. ????, 3. win!" mentality here like. so please take all that with a pinch of salt!

Apr 04, 2018 Chromatikat · 3

Wow, a reply already! I guess I'll just hit your points bullet by bullet.

  • If I could fit Painkillers in, I would. I'm sure there's a card or two a better player than I could trim for them. Also, I'd love to see a future set/pack give us upgraded Painkillers/Smoking Pipe that could be shared with teammates at the same location.

  • Machete is mostly in because as the non-primary Guardian (or other beater), you're going to be able to hit its bonus damage more easily. Additionally, I feel like Shrivelling and such are held back by her base 3 , at least at level 0 before upgraded Peter Sylvestre like you mentioned. Finally, I agree that she probably won't (or shouldn't?) be your main killer in general.

  • Yeah, I missed the important part of "If it bleeds...", that you had to land the killing blow yourself. I'd definitely switch it out for Clarity of Mind in that case.

  • Inspiring Presence benefits from being able to hit your teammtes' Ally assets at the same location, so you could use it to boost your Guardian's Liquid Courage check and heal his True Grit, or even heal and ready Beat Cop.

  • I agree, Eureka! or maybe (the questionable) Preposterous Sketches or Old Book of Lore if you feel you can spare the cost, since it can fire on your teammates too.

Her biggest strength seems to be getting her stat split from its default 11 (4/3/2/2), to Foolishness' 15 (5/4/3/3), and her possibly-enormous economy power from her healing ability, not just for herself, but for her team in general.

Her Guardian buddies in particular will benefit, since she will be healing their (usually) weaker 'health stat' as well as giving them resources, which Guardians are notoriously weak at stacking up.

Her weakness seems particularly brutal, though. At the best, it just does 1 direct horror to Carolyn, but at the worst it could put a serious timer on the final Agenda (or crucial Agenda) of a late-campaign scenario, potentially bringing a repeated Ancient Evils effect into play (Though not with the immediate advancement).

Apr 04, 2018 Django · 5032

You found carolyns (temporary) deck restrictions? I was very curious how she would be handled.

Cards that inflict horror seem to be good in her deck and her team as well, as it allows her to hand out ressources. Imagine a 4 player team with 3 mystics and her. From personal experience, Scrying 3 and Shrivelling 5 can produce lots of horror...

Some random thoughts about her and your deck:

  • Did you consider Teamwork to spread her wealth?

  • Her signature card seems bad to me. It's very slow, as you need to draw (which may not happen during a game), play and heal it to have any effect. I think it would be useful if it started in play, but not broken. You may compensate some of it, if you have Peter Sylvestre use the phone. Then he will quickly admit his Foolishness.

  • Too bad she can only use guardian up to LV 3 and no weapons, as the Lightning Gun would compensate her low .

  • On the other hand she can include Keen Eye in her deck. With all the ressources she gets with your combo, she should be able to pump her a few times. Stick to the Plan with any version of Emergency Cache should also help.

  • She may also be a reasonable mystic, as you already included St. Hubert's Key and may upgrade to Peter Sylvestre 2? You amy also include Grounded and/or Arcane Studies for more . Too bad Spirit Athame is a weapon...

Apr 04, 2018 Chromatikat · 3

Weapon assets are fine at Level 0, just not from Level 1-5.

Apr 04, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67453

Np. Like I say it was all speculative ofc. Re machete vs shriv tho you may have missed my point. The issue isn’t the bonus damage it’s landing the hit. Base 2 +1 from machete is on a par with base 3. The difference is you have St. Hubert's Key and Fearless to boost it. Where you don’t have boosts for combat. In fact you have quite a lot more will pips than combat in general too now I look at the graph.

While she might be in guardian. She’s unlikely to be combative I don’t think. Her stats scream cluer

Apr 04, 2018 Chromatikat · 3

That's pretty fair, yeah I wasn't thinking about her skill check chances w/ the Machete to be honest.