Elle Rubash

For mystics, David Renfield provides bonus but many investigators avoid using him due to doom. Now, Elle helps to solve that problem. With Renfield + Elle, you can get +1 bonus as well as 1 free resource for each round; notice that you do not choose to add doom onto Renfield when triggering his ability.

However, some problems remain. We need Charisma, so that true xp cost of this combo is not 2xp but 5xp (or 7xp for 2 Elle in the deck). In addition, we give up the great ally, Arcane Initiate, or need additional 3xp. Finally, the overall cost of Renfield + Elle is 5 resource, which is high even if we could earn 1 resource per turn. Of course, it is good chance that we revisit David Renfield without any fear about placing a doom.

I write the above review before the least taboo was revealed and now that combo is 13xp. Now, that's too expansive combo IMO.

elkeinkrad · 499
Does one actually need Charisma? As was ruled with Leo's signature ally, it no longer discards assets over a slot limit if the limit is changed. Would it work to play Elle second and immediately use the free trigger to vacate the slot? — KingsGambit · 15
Unlike Elli, Elle doesn't vacate slots for items attached to her. So yes you need Charisma — steinerp · 51
Down the Rabbit Hole

I've been messing around with modernizing my Agnes deck and I feel that this fits very well over the old Arcane Research. She has plenty of upgrades before she starts losing value with it, thus she can accelerate her deck into the 2nd and 3rd scenarios, but maintain the sanity, which for her is a very valuable commodity.

dlikos · 160
This is actually a very strong card for Parallel Agnes, who can keep the lower level cards in her deck, since you are likely to be building around cards that you'll be able to double (or triple) up on. It can also help with her reduced deck size, as you'll be getting the higher xp versions faster. For example you may consider only doing a 1 of Deny Existence 0 and then using DtRH to level it up in scenario 2 and again in scenario 3 so you now have 3 x Deny Existence taking up one deck slot and costing 8 xp. — Time4Tiddy · 246
Sorry typing too fast - Deny Existence would be 2 slots, but you can do this trick with Ward of Protection to get 3 x Wards taking up one deck slot. Level the 0 to 2 and then level to 2 to 5, total spend 5 xp and 3 x Wards taking one deck slot. — Time4Tiddy · 246
Thieves' Kit

Thieves' Kit is a very deceptive card, and the natural card to compare it to is Lockpicks (1) due to both of them providing the ability to gain clues utilizing your agility as a handslot.

It is true you probably wouldn't run both, but this card has an almost entirely different use case than Lockpicks, and wants to be in a different kind of deck.

See, Lockpicks is an engine card. The 1 clue you gain is nice, it lets you make progress, but Lockpicks really exists as a card that makes your entire deck run smoother, more than being the thing your trying to do. You run it to enable large over success tests, which are a key component of rogue, through cards such as Lucky Cig Case and especially its upgrade. In most rogues, lockpick is granting you the ability to take a test at some odd 7 on an investigation, and while you need to oversucceed by 2 to keep the picks around forever, its also letting you, if you use it on a shroud 1-3 location, letting you tutor from the top 5 or so cards of your deck every turn, which lets you generally play the best card in your deck for your situation almost all of the time. This is why its really great in rogue combo decks that have way better clue gathering methods they can repeat. The clue is a (very good, you wouldn't run it without expecting a clue) side benefit to the ability to cheese out tests you can dunk on.

Thieves' kit doesn't do anything close to that. In most rogues its going to be sitting at a base skill of 4 or 5, and while it can get more than one clue a turn, it is unlikely to work on its own to actually get you 3 clues a turn on a lot of harder locations. So with the kit, your losing out on that strong tutor and now need to dump skills and resources into the test to consistently find clues with it, but if you can afford to do that, your now getting 6 clues off a card that cost you, in theory, -6 resources. That is a LOT of clues from one card, and if you combo it with Pilfer and Intel Report (which you can probably afford with this card) it makes a really attractive card to try to base a rogue cluever around.

Rogue cluevers always existed, rogues are exceptionally good at picking up a LOT of clues even, but this lets you go 'action by action' and take what you need to clear locations or pass acts, rather than trying to set up some absurd burst of clues that may not even make sense in your situation or even your player count because you need to get 2 clues off 3 locations rather than 6 off 1 location.

More critically, it actually changes the test to agility, which matters a lot for how rogues operate, because it enables a lot of powerful rogue skills that you can't use with lockpicks like nimble, upgraded manual dexterity,and "Watch This". As a bonus, these skills often benefit from being used on tests where you can sort of game a low difficulty value, or use them on demand, which is normally hard to do because agility, willpower, and combat tests sorta happen when they happen, but investigations can be done literally wherever (and are often high value to do whenever). It doesn't matter how much you over-succeed by lockpicks, it won't rocket you 3 locations away while giving you 4 resources.

So Thieves' kit is actually more a payoff card that your building an engine that can boost it consistently around, with either passive agility boosts, pay to pump cards, or skills, that also enables you to build more exclusively around agility, with a higher total potential payoff. You can compare your expected skill boost between Picks and Kit (If you have a very wide gap between your agility and intellect, Kit makes a lot more sense even if your trying to over-succeed), and that is an important dimension, but ultimately the differences are much more fundemental and you should generally 'know' which one you want from the get go, rather than just trying to cram the kit into a deck in place of Lockpicks (even at level 0 it may not make any sense for a given deck!).

The TL;DR?: Picks are selfless utility tools that happen to also get you a lot of clues over the game, rapidly accelerating your setup and increasing your overall consistency. Kit is selfish and build around that defines your ultimate plan in the scenario and gives you more raw value if you support it.

dezzmont · 218
I primarily play this game solo with a single investigator. I run Thieves Kit and Lockpicks with Kymani Jones to ensure that I can mulligan into a card that will let me get clues early in the game. In this deck you start with 5 xp (Kymani Jones superpower) which means you can start with Streetwise(3) in play. In this scenario you can investigate low shroud locations with a high chance of success and on higher shroud locations you can hedge your bets with Streetwise(3). Getting the resource back covers half the cost of the investment effectively making it 1 resource for +3 agility. This same tactic can be used to help ensure that you exceed a skill test when needed. I prefer Thieves kit over lockpicks and only run lockpicks to help increase the odds I can get a starting hand that will allow for investigations early in the game. — RobertLefebvre · 1
i've thought about your comment and it reads to me like winnifred might be amazing with this. underworld market winni as a cluever seems fun. — Fogshaper · 1
Meat Cleaver

I really like this card with Agnes. At first I wasn't quite sure if it would be worth the slots as she can already be pretty strong with Shrivel and Spectral Razor (Scrounge for Supplies loop) ... so I took it out. I then realized that I relied on it a bit not for damage, but for healing horror, and I suppose saving charges or razors when for a tougher enemy. Put in some Fight or Flight and you can finish off an enemy with your meat cleaver and heal some of that horror.

dlikos · 160
Blessed Blade

Hello folks, this review is just another one that gives you insight into how my group changes some cards that never see play, because we realised we hate paying money to have cards sitting in binder from the moment they are pulled out of the pack, so here it goes.

So i think we can all agree that this card is underwhelming. Even in Sister Mary who "wants" to play this card as it is from her cycle and looks like it is made for her, this card just does not pull the weight. If it had +2 fight then maybe, but still would be pretty bad. So like with a lot of cards that are just sitting for years in my collection without ever seeing the light of the sun, we decided to change this card a bit and made the effect of exhaust to add 1 bless AFTER revealing the token. This changed it a bit so that you do not have to exhaust it and pray you kill the enemy if it has 2 health or something like that, or worry why did you not exhaust it in the first hit if you pull the bless one out on the first swing, and you can actually smack it once or twice and then when you see what you pulled you can exhaust it to add that 1 little bless inside the bag. It is a minor change, but now when we build Mary we actually take it, and in solo i was suprised to see myself actually not cutting it out after the first scenario like i did before. Idk, time will show, we may even change it even more and have it give you +2 combat instead of 1, time will show.

Blood&gore · 435