"Get over here!"

In Investigation Phase, Fast Engage gives you equivalent of redirection of enemy draw from clue finders, allowing them to go first anyway. Though more expensive than options like "Let me handle this!", Martyr's Vambrace, "Get behind me!", it has bigger location coverage.

Using it in window in Enemy Phase after Hunter enemy moves but before it attacks adds one more location away coverage (and can pull the enemy out of your clue finders that is about to get hit) if you could one-shot it. Otherwise you will get hit, which in that case you'd rather use it in Investigation Phase so you can perform follow up hits with weapons that have damage and bonus.

Since the card has no damage and accuracy bonus, commits and additional damage (e.g. Vicious Blow, Long Shot, Michael Leigh, ...) are handy to make a play in weird phases.

5argon · 10761
Sparrow Mask

Many Basic Weakness are all about dealing you damage/horror. (The longer it stays, or each time it came back.) The mask gives both and which are very useful if you are in some trouble that makes you can't fix the weakness in the first place. In longer fights over multiple rounds, my friend even keep the slip damage/horror weakness going so he always have an offering ready.

Or, for some relief from various signature weaknesses :

Simply making a mistake on Retaliate or Alert enemy would give you back some treats. It also replenishes repeatedly after getting attacked multiple times by Swarming enemy. And there are countless location and attachment treachery effects that deal you end of turn / end of round damage or horror.

This card is just so universal. Take a look at how much more limited Bangle of Jinxes was. Only enemy attack (big constraint since enemy attack hits too hard), take an accessory slot, 1 XP, higher cost, get start with only 1 charge. All in exchange of able to boost the other two stats and accumulate unlimited charges.

5argon · 10761
Spirit of humanity is great to either heal yourself or add more blesses and recharge the mask — Django · 5108
Nice! I'll have to wait for one last repackage to play with that.. — 5argon · 10761
Mandy Thompson

There are already reviews written like you have purchased all cards in the game to pick from, so this one is in perspective of newer players arbitrarily buying Investigator Expansion as they like.

Mandy has similar vibe to Vincent Lee and Carolyn Fern that the ability can't work on its own, and the Investigator Expansion box that give you the investigator doesn't give you many Lv. 0 card that trigger the ability to get start with. No choice of subclass (, , ) adds any more search card for her either. (But to be fair this TDE box adds a ton to Daisy Walker...)

For Mandy, you get just Practice Makes Perfect (while Otherworld Codex is Lv. 2), and a new Practiced card is just The Eye of Truth Lv. 5. You have Deduction, Perception, and Overpower (that you might try committing for friends) to work with Practice Makes Perfect. You can get Versatile to add one Vicious Blow but that's a big stretch.

The designer seemed to think that since there is Old Book of Lore in the core set (and Lv. 3 in Revised Core Set) Mandy is minimally playable, but this is further gimped by how Research Librarian's full deck search will immediately get canceled by Shocking Discovery. Trying to draw into the book could just run into Research card like Astounding Revelation (which you are aiming to add secrets to Old Book of Lore (3)) too, making you sad.

Even if you want to work with other player's search card, there are only Tetsuo Mori (might be your savior to find Old Book of Lore without Research Librarian), Lucid Dreaming, and Arcane Initiate (which is quite potent to use her ability on). So if you have small collection, I recommend teaming up with using Tetsuo Mori or using Arcane Initiate so there is less downtime of her ability.

Now if we look at what Investigator Expansion you could own prior to The Dream-Eaters that would greatly expand Mandy, I think it's The Path to Carcosa Investigator Expansion. This box gives Eureka!, Calling in Favors (which Tommy Muldoon can also make use of), On the Hunt (for other deck), and No Stone Unturned / No Stone Unturned (5) that could search. Carcosa also let Practice Makes Perfect + Mark Harrigan popular combo happen, to play with his Vicious Blow and The Home Front. I guess Quantum Flux could be handy for subclass choice to bring back Research cards back to deck all at once for more searches. subclass also gets Resourceful for use while investigating. Lastly, Minh Thi Phan in the box can add a commit icon to Brute Force, Sharp Vision, Expeditious Retreat, and A Glimmer of Hope. Plus she is on Extensive Research art so I guess they are good friends.

5argon · 10761
.45 Automatic

It’s kind of like Runic Axe, except you can’t regenerate 1 ammo per turn, you can’t spend a 2nd ammo to get +2 Combat, you can’t choose to deal 1 less damage in exchange for +2 Combat, and once it’s out of ammo, you can’t fight with it at all.

But you DO only take up one hand slot, so there’s that.

prezeden · 4

Honestly I think this is undercover one of the best cards in the box. It seems okay, but in all of my play experience with it so far it’s almost guaranteed to heal horror every single turn, it just works out. Just horror soak alone might not be totally enough to justify spending 2 and an XP (it’s pretty good though), but it just has more practical purposes. Obviously it came out with Chemistry Set, and it’s very useful there if you’re going the full asset route. But there is just so many other benefits. I would say first and foremost this is an auto include for Rex. Turning Rex’s ability into succeeding by 1 instead of 2 because you have Steady-Handed makes life easier, plus the horror soak. Deduction 2 is also safer. Grim Memoir is even more likely to draw a card. If you don’t need the healing you can just bump up your success to get more growth on your Ravenous Myconid.

There are certainly extra benefits if you can play rogue cards as well, because of their succeed by 2 archetype. All of the sudden you have safer lockpicks, your weapons are more consistent. Your Quick Thinking is more likely to give you an action. Consistent horror healing for no action cost helps cover for damage taken through your low willpower. I think Trish loves this card. I think Roland could also love this to help cover for his sanity struggles.

If you haven’t really tried Steady-Handed, I suggest giving it a shot, especially if your deck has proactive synergies and don’t have it exclusively for horror soak.

bsj06a · 6