Initially, this card seems like a more complicated stick to the plan. But a friend and I checked this card for the Vale finale; the possibilities were evident. First, it makes your deck more consistent. Three cards that you know are going to be there, without having to Mulligan for them. For expensive things like Ace in the Hole, or vital combo pieces like Dirty Fighting, that’s extremely useful. Pilfer(3) and Vamp(3) are high XP cards you’ll want to see ASAP. You could place things like Warning Shot, Quick Getaway, or Swift Reload(2), to fit a variety of enemy management plans. Second, you can trigger search effects at will. Trish can use this to grab plenty of astonishing revelations. It doesn’t matter if the search actually locates a card! The third, and maybe the most important, is getting multiple copies of your favorite myriad tricks. Easy Mark and Beguile are my favorites there.