Leo's Doomed Adventure #8: Dim Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Leo's Doomed Adventure #7: Black Stars Rise 2 0 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1203

Stick to the Plan: Emergency Cache, Ever Vigilant, Elusive

Opening Hand: Lone Wolf, "I've had worse…", The Red-Gloved Man, Perception, Leo De Luca

Leo begins the scenario at Shores of Hali with 2 doom and 4 horror.






Leo's boardstate: 8 health, 2 sanity, 7 resources, 0 clues.

In play: Leo De Luca (1 damage, 1 horror), Machete, Lone Wolf

In hand: The Red-Gloved Man, Unexpected Courage, Flashlight




Campaign Log:

Curtain Call: The Stranger is onto Leo! Leo chose not to go to the police! Doom approaches! 5 XP (Royal Emissary, Balcony, Green Room, Lighting Box), Stranger Tally: 2, Conviction Tally: 0, Doubt Tally: 1.

The Last King: Leo interviewed Constance Dumaine, Jordan Perry, Ishimaru Haruko, Sebastien Moreau and Ashleight Clarke! Leo slayed the monsters at the dinner party! 7 XP (Charon's Obol, 10 clues), Stranger Tally: 2, Conviction Tally: 2, Doubt Tally: 1.

Echoes of the Past: Leo destroyed the oathspeaker! 4 XP (Charon's Obol, Possessed Oathspeaker), Stranger Tally: 2, Conviction Tally: 2, Doubt Tally: 1.

The Unspeakable Oath: Leo escaped the Asylum! Leo heeded Daniel’s warning! 7 XP (Charon's Obol, Daniel Chesterfield, Mess Hall, Infirmary, Basement Hall, 1 bonus XP), Stranger Tally: 2, Conviction Tally: 4, Doubt Tally: 1.

A Phantom of Truth: Leo found Nigel’s home! The hour is nigh! 7 XP (Charon's Obol, Screeching Byakhee, Canal Saint-Martin, Gardens of Luxembourg, Grand Guignol, Père Lachaise Cemetery), Stranger Tally: 2, Conviction Tally: 4, Doubt Tally: 1, 1 Mental Trauma.

The Pallid Mask: Leo entered the catacombs on his own! Leo knows the site of the gate! 6 XP (Charon's Obol, Specter of Death, Bone-Filled Caverns, Tomb of Shadows), Stranger Tally: 3, Conviction Tally: 6, Doubt Tally: 1.

Black Stars Rise: Leo opened the path below! 5 XP (Charon's Obol, Outer Wall, North Tower, Abbey Church), Stranger Tally: 3, Conviction Tally: 6, Doubt Tally: 2.

Dim Carcosa: The realm of Carcosa merged with our own, and Hastur rules over them both! KILLED

It was always meant to be.


Jun 01, 2018 SGPrometheus · 795

Yowch. That was about as badly as it could have gone, I think.

Jun 01, 2018 Magnificate · 1203

Well, it was still winnable until The Bell Tolls.

Jun 02, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17388

But what a beautiful end. So thematic!

Jun 02, 2018 Veronica212 · 293

Thank you for taking us on this journey.